obs-midi-mg v2.2.0 is now available.
Custom Filter Settings (#25 )
Properties adjusted in filters can now be adjusted in the plugin based on MIDI values, just like any other action
It is almost completely customized in terms of ability to use message values
Works with just about every filter (even with colors!)
Transition Bar is back!
After almost half a year, the Transition Bar action has returned
It behaves differently than expected in 0-127 mode, but there is no way around it
127-0 mode (#46 )
Some number fields will have a new 127-0 mode
This behaves exactly like 0-127 mode, but backwards
The Move Source action now has a Magnitude field (#40 )
Bindings can now be moved via drag-and-drop in the list area (#43 )
The MIDI action can now use any field (besides the device) from the sent message (#44 )
The Hotkeys action has been revamped (#45 , #47 )
More hotkeys are available and have been sorted into groups based on what they are related to
When deleting actions, the next selected binding will now be shown without clicking on it
When editing actions, changing the subcategory will not change list fields anymore
Example: If changing the subcategory in Filters from Show Filter to Custom Filter Settings, the Source and Filter fields will not change
Massive code reorganization
Bug Fixes:
The Transitions field in the Transitions actions will now display properly (#42 )
Enjoy this new update. Let me know of any issues or suggestions you may have!
You can’t perform that action at this time.