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Tim Stair edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 1 revision

API: Agenda Template


API to define a template to describe the Agenda to execute. The Agenda Template is just an Agenda with variables that are expected to be filled out when creating an Agenda. For example, an Agenda Template will define the list of operations to perform. When a payload comes in, we fill out the Agenda Template with the incoming meta-data and submit the Agenda for processing.

See API: Agenda to see the executable Agenda from the Agenda Template.

Payload Agenda Template Resulting Agenda
{ "title":"xyz"} {"templateParameters":{"pop.payload"=null} "agenda":{"params:{"payload":"@<pop.payload::title>"}}} {"params":{"payload":"xyz"}}


< stagename >/agendatemplate

Query Parameters





Field Type Description
contentType String This will be application/json for the immediate term, but we might also support application/xml later

Request Body Fields

Field Purpose Type Required Method Notes
id Id of the original request String GET, PUT
customerId Id of the Customer from the customer table entry String POST / PUT
cid CorrelationId to combine all data objects created within a request submission String
title An easy way to reference the template String
allowedCustomerIds Array of customers allowed to use this template. String[] This does not allow the customer to modify this template.
templateParameters The variable name you can reference from the input request payload and can be reference throughout the template String[] Currently, pop.payload is supported
staticParameters Variables that are constant for all Agendas produced from this template and can be reference throughout the template String[]
params Map of parameters specific
**agenda See API: Agenda

Agenda Parameter Replacement


Creating the Parameter Map

The parameter map is a string -> string/object mapping that combines all the template parameters and static parameters specified in the Agenda template.


Strings / Objects in this collection on the Agenda Template are mapped by the name of the field with a value from the input payload.


Strings / Objects in this collection on the Agenda Template and are mapped by the name of the field with the value of the field. These are constants that can be used throughout the Agenda Template for easy referencing.

Parameter Replacement

Using the parameter map described above the Agenda Template's agenda operations are traversed attempting to replace any substitution tokens that match an item in the map.

At this time a token is formatted as follows: @

Replacement processing is contextual based on a number of factors**:

Value in template Parameter Value Parameter Value Type Result Notes
"@" "example text" String "example text"
"@" { "datafield":"value"} Object { "datafield":"value"}
"example:@" "example text" String "example:example text"
"example:@:@:@" "3" String "example:3:3:3"
"example:@" { "datafield":"value"} Object "example:@" (reference will not be replaced) Composite strings cannot be created with complex objects
"@<sample.out>" "operation":{"name":"sample"} sample operation's output {"inputs"["oneinput":"xyz","twoinput":"abc"]} Object {"inputs":["oneinput":"xyz","twoinput":"abc"] <>.out is a defined variable for referencing other operation's outputs.
"@sample.out::/inputs[0]" "operation": {"name":"sample"} sample operation's output {"inputs":["oneinput":"xyz","twoinput":"abc"]}
"@sample.out::/files/duration?" "operation":{"name":"sample"} sample operation's output{["oneinput":"xyz","twoinput":"abc"]} Object null This is an example of a default value (optional reference that will default to null).
"example:@sample.out::/files/duration?0" "operation":{"name":"sample"} sample operation's output{"inputs":["oneinput":"xyz","twoinput":"abc"]} String "example:0" This is an example of a default value (optional reference that will default to the string of characters after '?').

Other items for consideration JSON Pointers are supported by Jackson using the at method.

Example Payload

"id": null,  
"cid": null,  
"customerId": "",  
"allowedCustomerIds": [ ... An array of customerIds that can use this agenda template ... ],  
"title": "Accelerate",  
"templateParameters": {  
"pop.payload": null  
"staticParameters": null,  
"params": null,  
"agenda": {  
"id": null,  
"cid": null,  
"customerId": null,  
"updatedTime": null,  
"addedTime": null,  
"operations": \[  
"payload": {  
"originalRequest": "@<pop.payload>"  
"type": "ldap",  
"id": null,  
"name": "ldap.1",  
"params": null  
"payload": {  
"inputs": "@<ldap.1.out::/transformRequest/inputs>"  
"type": "analysis",  
"id": null,  
"name": "mediaInfo.1",  
"params": null  
"payload": {  
"inputs": null,  
"inputStreams": "@<mediaInfo.1.out::/inputStreams>",  
"outputStreams": null,  
"originalRequest": "@<ldap.1.out::/transformRequest>"  
"type": "accelerate",  
"id": null,  
"name": "accelerate.1",  
"params": null  
"payload": {  
"url": null,  
"headers": null,  
"postData": "@<accelerate.1.out::/agenda>",  
"postDataEncoding": "json",  
"contentType": null,  
"requestMethod": null  
"type": "agendaPost",  
"id": null,  
"name": "agendaPost.1",  
"params": null  
"payload": {  
"logMessages": \[  
"operationType=logHandler operationName=analysis bitrate=@<mediaInfo.1.out::/inputStreams/video/0/params/bitrate> duration=@<mediaInfo.1.out::/inputStreams/video/0/params/duration> externalFileId=@<mediaInfo.1.out::/inputs/0/params/externalFileId>"  
"type": "logMessages",  
"id": "1",  
"name": "Log.1",  
"params": null  
"params": {},  
"jobId": null,  
"linkId": null,  
"progressId": null,  
"agendaInsight": null  
"isDefaultTemplate": false,  
"isGlobal": true,  
"global": true  

Priority Operation Processing

  1. Submission
  2. Scheduling
  3. Execution
    the ResourcePool

Data Object API

the workflow
Agenda Template
the workflow definition
the scheduling queue definition
Operation Progress
the state of the running Agenda operations
the state of the running Agendas
the processing resources

Service Agenda

Agenda Service
the workflow submission
Progress Service
rolled up agenda progress summary
ResourcePool Service
getting work and updating progress

Timed Processes

restarting stuck Agendas
retrying failed Agendas
reaping expired data objects
reaping stuck Kubernetes pods




- RunWithMiniKube

Demo / Examples


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