Example of Abstract Factory design pattern in Go
This example shows how to generate different factories using the same interface, which then are used to process records in an abstract way.
Run the unit tests:
go test -v
Expected output:
=== RUN TestVoiceSpainGermanyCdr
--- PASS: TestVoiceSpainGermanyCdr (0.00s)
=== RUN TestVoiceSpainArgentinaCdr
--- PASS: TestVoiceSpainArgentinaCdr (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSmsSpainGermanyCdr
--- PASS: TestSmsSpainGermanyCdr (0.00s)
=== RUN TestSmsSpainArgentinaCdr
--- PASS: TestSmsSpainArgentinaCdr (0.00s)
ok go_abstract_factory 0.069s