This game served as my senior project for my Games Interactive Media and Mobile BS at Boise State University's College of Innovation and Design. This is a Google Cardboard game I developed in Unity. Players take control of a worker at an abstract 'censorship factory' wherein they are subjected to grueling hours sorting and censoring all communications within this Orwellian society.
Clone this repo and open it up in Unity 2018 or later. You can play it in the build environment or build it to Android for use on Google Cardboard (this was the intended build target)
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Unity 2018 or later.
An Android device (optional)
Android 4.4 Kitkat or above can run this game. You should also have no problem getting this on iOS although I have not.
- Google Cardboard - My target VR platform
- Unity - Game engine
- Nicholai Cascio - Game Designer - Portfolio
- Lucas Pope for inspiration
- Various public domain USSR propaganda animations
- Boise State GIMM department