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jaxzin edited this page Jan 6, 2012 · 10 revisions


  • Install Git
  • Install Maven 3.0+

This guide assumes that you use maven to build your projects. If you don't then adjust accordingly.

Clone the TeaTrove Repository

$ git clone [email protected]:teatrove/teatrove.git

This will create a teatrove directory in the current directory.

Building TeaTrove

$ cd teatrove
$ mvn install

This should install Tea, the TeaServlet and Trove into your maven repository.

Adding the TeaServlet to your Maven POM File

WAR Packaging

If your deploying your TeaServlet application as a WAR file then the packaging type in your maven file can be specified as such.

See Creating a War File

Running the Examples

The examples directory contains various example web applications that can help you get up and going. Each web application is bundled as a standard WAR. The WAR file is available in each example's target directory. Simply deploy the WAR file to your application server (Servlet 2.5+) of choice (Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss, etc). For more information on deploying the web application, consult the documentation for the application server of choice.

The 60 second demo

Assuming you've completed the "Building TeaTrove" section above...

$ cd examples/directory-browser
$ mvn jetty:run

This will launch the directory-browser example using Jetty. Open http://localhost:8080/directory-browser/ in your favorite web browser and navigate around a couple times. Open http://localhost:8080/directory-browser/system/console?secret=password to take a look at the Admin Console which you can read more about in the next section.

Accessing the Admin Console

The TeaServlet comes with a very powerful administrative console that can help you compile templates and analyze performance.


where key and value are properties that are setup in the TeaServlet properties file. If the TeaServlet is deployed as a ROOT.war the admin console will be available here:
