This is a simple example Console App written in .NET using the Rackspace SDK to upload local files to a given Container on a CloudFiles account
Download via git and change into subdir:
git clone
cd CloudFilesUpload
Compile via PowerShell:
#Get directory of .NET Runtime
$NETdir = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory()
#Add Runtime dir to PATH environment variable
$env:Path += ";" + $NETdir
#Build using MSBuild, default Configuration is Debug so specifying Release Configuration
#using the Rebuild target which runs a clean first
MSBuild.exe .\CloudFilesUpload.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
Ouput directory is bin/Release. Usage per the below:
.\CloudFilesUpload.exe username api_key target_container path_to_file [region (US|UK)]
NOTE: Region must be one of US|UK. When omitted, default region (US) will be used