Onramp aims to be a collection of resources presented in a way that makes it possible for folks to become Laravel programmers as easily and effectively as possible.
Check out the issues and look at learn.en.php
or learn.es.php
to see if there's any free content you think we could add.
Right now, the plan is to finalize a decent list of "tracks" (new to programming, frontend developer, WordPress developer) and "modules" ("Introductory terminal & git", "Laravel routing", "Introductory object-oriented programming", etc.).
Once those have been finalized, we can start building an actual tool. The first steps will be to build out the tracks and modules in a database. Then, we can allow users to pick a track (or pick "Just Exploring") and then log into a dashboard where they will just see the modules recommended for their track.
They can click into a module and see the possible free online sources for learning about that topic, click a checkbox that says "I feel like I know enough about this module to consider it done", and then move to the next module.
They could also, eventually, take small quizzes about that module (self-testing, not for certification or external validation) and try out some code exercises about that module.
I think that might be it? For now. :)