A Counter-Strike 2 server plugin to help administrators manage custom game modes, settings, and map rotations.
Inspired by CS2 Modded Dedicated Server by Kus and the CS2 Rock The Vote plugin by Abnerfs.
Tired of manually managing game modes, settings, and maps?
GameModeManager simplifies server administration for Counter-Strike 2 by providing:
- Admin menus for modes, maps, and settings.
- Customizable rotation of maps and game modes.
- Player voting for maps, settings, and game modes.
- Built-in RTV that can be customized to include modes and maps.
- Dynamic map lists and menus based on the current game mode or all game modes.
- Customization options for rotation schedules, commands, voting styles, and languages.
This plugin is perfect for servers with a variety of custom content or those that want to give players more control over their experience.
Please drop a ⭐ star in the repository
This plugin utilizes the GameLoop.Vdf library (licensed under the MIT License) for parsing the gamemodes_server.txt
file, which is in Valve Data Format.
For creating custom votes, this plugin utilizes the CS2-CustomVotes shared plugin API (licensed under the MIT License).
For creating WASD menus, this plugin utilizes a custom fork of WASDMenuAPI shared plugin API (licensed under the MIT License).
Lastly, a special thanks to the CS2 Rock The Vote plugin by Abnerfs. The plugin's use of the dependency injection framework served as the core architecture for the development of this plugin.
- Counter-Strike 2
- Metamod:Source (v1282+)
- CounterStrikeSharp (v.197+)
This plugin comes with a built-in RTV plugin that can be customized to include maps and modes. The built-in RTV plugin is enabled by default.
Server Commands
css_gamemode <mode>
- Sets the current mode. -
css_rtv_enabled <true|false>
- Enables or disables RTV. -
css_rtv_duration <seconds>
- Sets the RTV vote duration. -
css_warmupmode <mode>
- Schedules and sets the warmup mode. -
- Ends the custom warmup mode. -
css_startwarmup <mode>
- Starts the custom warmup mode. -
css_timelimit <true|false> optional: <seconds>
- Enables or disables time limit.
Admin Commands
!timelimit <true|false|> optional: <seconds>
- Sets the time limit for the current map. -
- Displays an admin menu for changing the map.Depending on map mode, it shows maps for the current game mode or all modes.
!map <map name> <workshop id>
- Changes the map to the map specified.The workshop ID is optional and only required for maps that aren't explicitly set for a given map group.
- Displays an admin menu for changing the game mode. -
!mode <mode name>
- Changes the game mode to the mode specified.For example, for mg_surf you would do !mode surf.
- Displays an admin menu for enabling or disabling custom game settings. -
!setting <enable|disable> <setting name>
- Enables or disables a custom game setting.For example, for enable_movement_unlock.cfg you would do !setting movement_unlock.
Player Commands
- Rocks the vote! -
!nominate <map|mode>
- Nominates a map or game mode for the RTV vote. -
- Displays a dynamic menu of all player commands. -
- Displays the next map. -
- Displays the next mode. -
- Displays the current map. -
- Displays a dynamic menu of all per-map votes that can be created.Depending on map mode, it shows maps for the current game mode or all modes.
- Displays the timeleft in the current map. -
- Displays the current game mode. -
- Displays a menu of all per-mode votes that can be created. -
- Displays a menu of all per-setting votes that can be created.
- Install Metamod:Source and Counter Strike Sharp.
- Copy
folders to/csgo/
. - Make sure your
or custom map group file is in VDF Format and contains a list of map groups. - Update each game mode configuration file (i.e. comp.cfg) to include
css_gamemode <mode>
. - After the first run, update the configuration file
as detailed below.
On the first load, a configuration file will be created in csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/GameModeManager/GameModeManager.json
Setting | Description |
Enabled | Enables RTV compatibility. |
PerMap | Enables per map RTV configuration |
MapMode | Changes the RTV map mode. (0 = maps from current game mode, 1 = maps from all game modes.) |
HudMenu | Enables the HUD Menu |
Style | Changes vote menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
MinRounds | Minimum number of rounds for RTV |
MinPlayers | Minimum number of players for RTV |
VoteDuration | Vote duration in seconds |
OptionsToShow | Number of options to show in RTV list |
VotePercentage | Number of options to show in RTV list |
OptionsInCoolDown | Number of Options in cool down |
EndMapVote | Enables end map vote |
IncludeModes | Includes modes in RTV list |
ModePercentage | Percent of modes in RTV list |
EnabledInWarmup | Enables RTV in warmup |
HideHudAfterVote | Hides hud after vote |
NominationEnabled | Enables nominating maps and/or modes |
MaxNominationWinners | Sets max nomination winners |
ChangeImmediately | Enables change map/mode immediately |
TriggerRoundsBeforeEnd | Sets rounds before end for trigger vote |
TriggerSecondsBeforeEnd | Sets seconds before end for trigger vote |
Setting | Description |
Mode | Changes the map mode. (0 = maps from current game mode, 1 = maps from all game modes.) |
Delay | Map change change delay in seconds. |
Default | Default map group on server start (i.e. mg_active). |
Style | Changes map menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
Setting | Description |
Enabled | Enables voting. |
Maps | Enables map votes. |
Style | Changes vote menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
GameModes | Enables game mode votes. |
GameSettings | Enables game setting votes. |
Setting | Description |
Enabled | Enables custom game settings. |
Folder | Default settings folder within /csgo/cfg/ . |
Style | Changes game setting menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
Setting | Description |
Map | Enables or disables the !map admin command. |
Maps | Enables or disables the !maps admin command. |
Mode | Enables or disables the !mode admin command. |
Modes | Enables or disables the !modes admin command. |
TimeLeft | Enables or disables the !timeleft command. |
TimeLimit | Enables or disables the !timelimit admin command. |
Style | Changes command menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
Setting | Description |
Time | Default warmup time |
PerMap | Enables ot disables per map warmup (i.e. map configs) |
Default | Default warmup mode. |
List | A customizable list of warmup modes for your server. |
Setting | Description |
Enabled | Enables rotations. (Cannot be enabled when RTV is enabled) |
Cycle | Changes the rotation cycle. (0 = maps from current mode, 1 = maps from all modes, 2, maps from specific map groups) |
MapGroups | Mapgroups to use for rotation cycle 2. |
WhenServerEmpty | Enables rotation on server empty. |
CustomTimeLimit | Custom time limit for rotations on server empty. |
ModeRotation | Enables game mode rotation. (Cannot be enabled when ModeSchedule is enabled) |
ModeInterval | Changes game mode every x map rotations. (If ModeRotation is enabled) |
ModeSchedule | Enables mode schedules. (Cannot be enabled when ModeRotations is enabled) |
Schedule | Schedule for mode rotations (24-hr format in UTC time) |
Setting | Description |
Default | Default mode on server start (i.e. deathmatch). |
Style | Changes setting menu type (i.e. "chat", "center" or "wasd"). |
MapGroupFile | Map groups file name in /csgo/ . The file must be in VDF Format. |
List | A customizable list of game modes for your server with friendly names for menus. |
- All configuration files must be within
. - Your mode config files must use
to cycle the game mode for the plugin.
Click to see Default Values
// This configuration was automatically generated by CounterStrikeSharp for plugin 'GameModeManager', at 2025/03/02 04:47:52
"Version": 8,
"RTV": {
"Enabled": true,
"MapMode": 0,
"HudMenu": true,
"Style": "wasd",
"MinRounds": 1,
"MinPlayers": 3,
"VoteDuration": 60,
"OptionsToShow": 6,
"VotePercentage": 51,
"OptionsInCoolDown": 3,
"EndMapVote": true,
"IncludeModes": true,
"ModeInclusionPercentage": 40,
"EnabledInWarmup": true,
"HideHudAfterVote": false,
"NominationEnabled": true,
"MaxNominationWinners": 1,
"ChangeImmediately": false,
"TriggerRoundsBeforeEnd": 2,
"TriggerSecondsBeforeEnd": 120
"Maps": {
"Mode": 0,
"Delay": 5,
"Style": "wasd",
"Default": "de_dust2"
"Votes": {
"Enabled": false,
"Maps": false,
"Style": "wasd",
"GameModes": false,
"GameSettings": false
"Settings": {
"Enabled": true,
"Style": "wasd",
"Folder": "settings"
"Warmup": {
"Time": 60,
"PerMap": false,
"Default": {
"Name": "Deathmatch",
"Config": "warmup/dm.cfg"
"List": [
"Name": "Deathmatch",
"Config": "warmup/dm.cfg"
"Name": "Knives Only",
"Config": "warmup/knives_only.cfg"
"Name": "Scoutz Only",
"Config": "warmup/scoutz_only.cfg"
"Commands": {
"Map": true,
"Maps": true,
"Mode": true,
"Modes": true,
"TimeLeft": true,
"TimeLimit": true,
"Style": "wasd"
"Rotation": {
"Enabled": true,
"Cycle": 0,
"MapGroups": [
"WhenServerEmpty": false,
"CustomTimeLimit": 600,
"ModeRotation": false,
"ModeInterval": 4,
"ModeSchedules": false,
"Schedule": [
"Time": "10:00",
"Mode": "Casual"
"Time": "15:00",
"Mode": "Practice"
"Time": "17:00",
"Mode": "Competitive"
"GameModes": {
"Style": "wasd",
"Default": {
"Name": "Casual",
"Config": "casual.cfg",
"DefaultMap": null,
"MapGroups": [
"MapGroupFile": "gamemodes_server.txt",
"List": [
"Name": "Casual",
"Config": "casual.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathmatch",
"Config": "dm.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_assembly",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Armsrace",
"Config": "ar.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "ar_pool_day",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Competitive",
"Config": "comp.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Wingman",
"Config": "wingman.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_memento",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Practice",
"Config": "prac.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Prefire",
"Config": "prefire.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_inferno",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Retakes",
"Config": "retake.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Executes",
"Config": "executes.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_mirage",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Casual 1.6",
"Config": "Casual-1.6.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3212419403",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathmatch Multicfg",
"Config": "dm-multicfg.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_mirage",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "GG",
"Config": "gg.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "ar_pool_day",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "45",
"Config": "45.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3276886893",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Awp",
"Config": "awp.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3142070597",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "1v1",
"Config": "1v1.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070253400",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Aim",
"Config": "aim.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3084291314",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Bhop",
"Config": "bhop.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3088973190",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Surf",
"Config": "surf.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3082548297",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "KreedZ",
"Config": "kz.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3086304337",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Hide N Seek",
"Config": "hns.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3097563690",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Soccer",
"Config": "soccer.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070198374",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Course",
"Config": "course.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070455802",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathrun",
"Config": "deathrun.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3164611860",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Minigames",
"Config": "minigames.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3082120895",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "ScoutzKnivez",
"Config": "scoutzknivez.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3073929825",
"MapGroups": [
This plugin will display all in-game menus and messaging based on the player's preferred language. Below is an example language configuration file you can customize to your liking. The CS2-CustomVotes plugin also has additional language files you can configure.
Example Lang
"plugin.prefix": "[{GREEN}Server{DEFAULT}]",
"game.menu-title": "Game Commands",
"currentmap.message": "{RED}[Current Map]{DEFAULT} {0}",
"currentmode.message": "{GREEN}[Current Mode]{DEFAULT} {0}",
"changemap.message": "Admin {LIGHTRED}{0}{DEFAULT} has changed the map to {LIGHTRED}{1}{DEFAULT}.",
"changemode.message": "Admin {LIGHTRED}{0}{DEFAULT} has changed the game mode to {LIGHTRED}{1}{DEFAULT}.",
"enable.changesetting.message": "Admin {LIGHTRED}{0}{DEFAULT} has {LIGHTRED}Enabled{DEFAULT} setting {LIGHTRED}{1}{DEFAULT}.",
"disable.changesetting.message": "Admin {LIGHTRED}{0}{DEFAULT} has {LIGHTRED}Disabled{DEFAULT} setting {LIGHTRED}{1}{DEFAULT}.",
"menu.yes": "Yes",
"menu.no": "No",
"menu.enable": "Enable",
"menu.disable": "Disable",
"menu.maps": "Maps",
"menu.modes": "Modes",
"warmup.start.message": "Warmup mode {GREEN}{0}{DEFAULT} started.",
"warmup.end.message": "Game mode {GREEN}{0}{DEFAULT} started.",
"mode.vote.menu-title": "Change game mode to {GOLD}{0}{DEFAULT}?",
"modes.menu-title": "Game Mode List",
"modes.vote.menu-title": "Change game mode?",
"map.vote.menu-title": "Change map to {0}?",
"maps.menu-title": "Map List",
"setting.vote.menu-title": "Change setting {GOLD}{0}{DEFAULT}?",
"settings.menu-actions": "Setting Actions",
"settings.menu-title": "Setting List",
"timeleft.prefix": "{RED}[Timeleft]{DEFAULT}",
"timeleft.remaining-rounds": "{0} round(s) remaining",
"timeleft.remaining-time-hour": "Remaining time {0}:{1}:{2}",
"timeleft.remaining-time-minute": "Remaining time {0} minute(s) and {1} second(s)",
"timeleft.remaining-time-second": "Remaining time {0} second(s)",
"timeleft.no-time-limit": "There is no time limit",
"timeleft.remaining-last-round": "This is the last round",
"timeleft.remaining-time-over": "Time is over, this is the last round",
"timeleft.warmup": "Command disabled during warmup.",
"timelimit.enabled": "Time limit {GREEN}Enabled{DEFAULT}.",
"timelimit.disabled": "Time limit {RED}Disabled{DEFAULT}.",
"timelimit.enabled-error": "Time limit is already {GREEN}Enabled{DEFAULT}.",
"timelimit.disabled-error": "Time limit is already {RED}Disabled{DEFAULT}.",
"timelimit.value-error": "Invalid time limit. Please enter a valid integer.",
"timelimit.prefix": "{RED}[Timelimit]{DEFAULT}",
"vote.prefix": "{red}[Vote]{default}",
"vote.player-voted": "Player {green}{0}{default} voted in {green}{1}{default}",
"vote.already-voted": "You already vote in {green}{0}{default}",
"nominate.nominated": "Player {green}{0}{default} nominated {green}{1}{default}, it now has {2} vote(s)",
"nominate.already-nominated": "You already nominated {green}{0}{default}, it has {1} vote(s)",
"nominate.menu-title": "Nominate",
"general.votes-needed": "({0} voted, {1} needed)",
"general.validation.current": "You can't choose the current map or mode",
"general.validation.minimum-rounds": "Minimum rounds to use this command is {0}",
"general.validation.warmup": "Command disabled during warmup.",
"general.validation.minimum-players": "Minimum players to use this command is {0}",
"general.validation.disabled": "Command disabled right now",
"general.validation.no-vote": "A vote is required to schedule the next map or mode.",
"general.validation.played-recently": "The map or mode has been played recently.",
"rtv.prefix": "{red}[RockTheVote]{default}",
"rtv.rocked-the-vote": "Player {green}{0}{default} wants to rock the vote",
"rtv.already-rocked-the-vote": "You already rocked the vote",
"rtv.votes-reached": "Number of votes reached, starting vote...",
"rtv.disabled": "Rtv is disabled right now",
"rtv.you-voted": "You voted in {0}",
"rtv.vote-ended": "Vote ended. Next will be {green}{0}{default} ({1:N2}% of {2} vote(s))",
"rtv.vote-ended-no-votes": "No votes. Next will be {green}{0}",
"rtv.schedule-change": "The map or mode will change {0}",
"rtv.hud.menu-title": "Vote for what's next?",
"rtv.hud.hud-timer": "<font class='fontSize-l horizontal-center' color='red'>Vote Results </font><font class='fontSize-s stratum-bold-italic'> {0}s </font>",
"rtv.hud.finished": "<font class='fontSize-m horizontal-center' color='green'>Winner: </font><font class='fontSize-m horizontal-center' color='white'>{0}</font>",
"rtv.next": "Next will be {green}{0}",
"rtv.next.decided-by-vote": "Next will be decided by vote.",
"rtv.nextmap.message": "{RED}[Next Map]{DEFAULT} {0}",
"rtv.nextmode.message": "{GREEN}[Next Mode]{DEFAULT} {0}",
"rtv.remaining-rounds": "in {red}{0}{default} round(s)",
"rtv.remaining-time-hour": "in {red}{0}:{1}:{2}",
"rtv.remaining-time-minute": "in {red}{0}{default} minute(s) and {red}{1}{default} second(s)",
"rtv.remaining-time-second": "in {red}{0}{default] second(s)",
"rtv.remaining-last-round": "at the end of this round"
GameModeManager provides a shared API for other plugins to manage game modes. Add a reference to GameModeManager.Shared to your project to get started!
API Interface
// Declare namespace
namespace GameModeManager.Shared;
public interface IGameModeApi
// Define globals
string WarmupMode { get; }
string CurrentMap { get; }
string CurrentMode { get; }
// Update map menus api handler
public void UpdateMapMenus();
// Trigger rotation api handler
public void TriggerRotation();
// Enable RTV compatibility api handler
public void EnableRTV(bool enabled);
// Change mode api handlers
public void ChangeMode(string modeName);
// Change map api handlers
public void ChangeMap(string mapName);
public void ChangeMap(string mapName, int delay);
// Schedule warmup api handlers
public bool isWarmupScheduled();
public bool ScheduleWarmup(string modeName);
// Enforce time limit api handlers
public void EnableTimeLimit();
public void EnableTimeLimit(int delay);
Example Usage
<Reference Include="CS2-GameModeManager.Shared">
// Included libraries
using GameModeManager.Shared;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.Capabilities;
// Declare namespace
namespace Plugin
public class Plugin : BasePlugin
public PluginCapability<ICustomVoteApi> GameModeApi { get; } = new("game_mode:api");
Due to the need to parse map groups and settings, you may have difficulties initially configuring the plugin, especially if your map group file is not configured properly. All logs associated with this plugin can be found in the below location.
Example Log
2024-06-08 22:59:32.827 +00:00 [WARN] plugin:GameModeManager Skipping random_setting.cfg because its missing the correct prefix.
2024-06-08 23:05:24.421 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:GameModeManager Current mode is Deathmatch.
2024-06-08 23:05:24.421 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:GameModeManager New mode is Casual.
2024-11-17 23:05:24.532 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:GameModeManager Warmup mode enabled.
2024-06-08 24:15:47.044 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:GameModeManager Game has ended. Picking random map from current mode...
Common Error Messages
Error/Warning Message | Description |
Cannot Find |
Cannot locate the file specified from GameModeManager.json config. |
Incomplete VDF data |
Your gamemodes_server.txt file is not formatted properly in VDF Format. |
Your config file is too old |
Please backup and remove it from addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/GameModeManager to recreate it. |
The mapgroup property doesn't exist |
The "mapgroup" property cannot be found in your gamemodes_server.txt file. |
Mapgroup found, but the 'maps' property is missing or incomplete |
The "maps" property cannot be found in your gamemodes_server.txt file for one of your map groups. |
How do I add custom settings?
To add custom settings, create two configuration files with the enable_
and disable_ prefix
(i.e. enable_autobhop.cfg, disable_autobhop.cfg). Then, put those files in the /csgo/cfg/settings/
folder. This is the default settings folder. You can change this folder in the configuration settings.
How do I add game modes?
To add game modes, update the JSON key pairs in the configuration file (csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/GameModeManager/GameModeManager.json
"Style": "center",
"Default": {
"Name": "Casual",
"Config": "casual.cfg",
"DefaultMap": null,
"MapGroups": [
"MapGroupFile": "gamemodes_server.txt",
"List": [
"Name": "Casual",
"Config": "casual.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathmatch",
"Config": "dm.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_assembly",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "ArmsRace",
"Config": "ar.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "ar_pool_day",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Competitive",
"Config": "comp.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Wingman",
"Config": "wingman.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_memento",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Practice",
"Config": "prac.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Prefire",
"Config": "prefire.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_inferno",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Retakes",
"Config": "retake.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Executes",
"Config": "executes.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_mirage",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Casual 1.6",
"Config": "Casual-1.6.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3212419403",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathmatch Multicfg",
"Config": "dm-multicfg.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "de_mirage",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "GG",
"Config": "gg.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "ar_pool_day",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "45",
"Config": "45.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3276886893",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Awp",
"Config": "awp.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3142070597",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "1v1",
"Config": "1v1.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070253400",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Aim",
"Config": "aim.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3084291314",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Bhop",
"Config": "bhop.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3088973190",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Surf",
"Config": "surf.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3082548297",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "KreedZ",
"Config": "kz.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3086304337",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Hide N Seek",
"Config": "hns.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3097563690",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Soccer",
"Config": "soccer.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070198374",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Course",
"Config": "course.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3070455802",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Deathrun",
"Config": "deathrun.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3164611860",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "Minigames",
"Config": "minigames.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3082120895",
"MapGroups": [
"Name": "ScoutzKnivez",
"Config": "scoutzknivez.cfg",
"DefaultMap": "3073929825",
"MapGroups": [
Why are game mode and map rotations not working?
Game mode and map rotations do not work if RTV compatibility is enabled. Game mode and map rotations are only counted when handled by the plugin's game event handler.
Why is RTV not working?
You need to install your own supported RTV plugin and update the JSON configuration file. Any RTV plugin with a maplist.txt
file is supported.
"RTV": {
"Enabled": false,
"Plugin": "addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RockTheVote/RockTheVote.dll",
"MapListFile": "addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RockTheVote/maplist.txt",
"DefaultMapFormat": false
How are friendly names generated for settings?
Friendly names for settings are generated by removing the extension and underscores, and capitalizing the first letter of each word. For example, enable_movement_unlock.cfg turns into Movement Unlock.
How are vote commands created?
Vote commands for categories are set manually, such as !changemode
. This may be configurable in the future, with the addition of aliases. Per-map commands are generated based on the map name (i.e. de_dust2). Per-mode commands are generated from the game mode list or the map group name (without the mg_ prefix).
Can I use friendly names for maps?
Yes! You can use friendly names for maps by using the following syntax:
"imagename" "mapgroup-active"
"nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_active"
"tooltipID" "#SFUI_MapGroup_Tooltip_Desc_Active"
"tooltipMaps" ""
"name" "mg_active"
"grouptype" "active"
"icon_image_path" "map_icons/mapgroup_icon_active"
"de_dust2" "Dust 2"
"de_ancient" "Ancient"
"de_anubis" "Anubis"
"de_inferno" "Inferno"
"de_mirage" "Mirage"
"de_nuke" "Nuke"
"de_vertigo" "Vertigo"