This is my (small) collection of dockerfiles to spin up minecraft servers.
(set to 10G of ram usage, for lots of mods. you can edit the dockerfile's entrypoint to change):
sudo docker build -t yourfabricserverimagename .
sudo docker run -it -p preferred_host_port:25565 -v namedvolumeforpersistence:/home --name PleaseNameYourContainer yourfabricserverimagename
use -it to keep it interactive for future sessions. you can quit out after first run and start it with docker start containername
sudo docker ps (lists your containers)
sudo docker cp /path/to/mods/folder 02ae(containerID)ff32:/home/
if your mods aren't in a mods folder or you are adding individually, then do docker cp path/to/mod/mod.jar containerID:/home/mods
sudo docker build -t yourATM10serverimagename .
sudo docker run -it -p preferred_host_port:25565 -v namedvolumeforpersistence:/home --name pleasenameyourContainer yourATM10serverimagename
If there is a newer version of neoforge used and I didn't update the script, let me know via issues and I will. This is based on 12/22/24's 21.1.90 neoforge release; but it will pull updates from their github and unless the neoforge version changes everything should work out fine.
it's pretty easy just use the server-files hosted on curseforge, extract and copy that mods folder to the docker container like with the fabric server