Rino is a project of intelligent personal assistant for the Russian language. It's designed for smartphones with Android 4.0 and higher.
Currently there are 7 types of commands supported:
- make a call
- send sms to smb
- send an email to smb
- search smth on the web
- launch some site in browser
- set an alarm for particular time
- check how much money you have on your account
See below the examples of users comands in Russian:
«позвони васе»
«отправь смс васе с текстом привет»
«напиши письмо васе с текстом как жизнь»
«найди в яндексе что значит дзен»
«открой википедию»
«поставь на завтра будильник на 7 30»
«покажи баланс
The entire project consists of three parts:
- RinoRecognizer - represents an Android application for smartphone devices, utilises RinoLibrary
- RinoServer - performs the training process of Rino's SVM classificators, utilises RinoLibrary
- RinoLibrary - consists of classes, that should be identical for both RinoRecognizer and RinoServer