Your chats will look like this :
to the eyes off all, (except your contact)
gAES is a (greasemonkey) user script that encrypts/decrypts (AES) your google chats (gTalk or hangout) with one or more contacts
- Install
to encrypt/decrypt your conversations with gTalk - Install
to encrypt/decrypt your conversations with google Hangouts (g+ and gmail if you enable it...)
Please Note that this is a research project. It's certainly not the best tool to have secure, encrypted, communcations. Have a look at OpenPGP
Both you and the contact you want to chat with have to install gAES/hangoutAES.
After installing GreaseMonkey,
- If you use gTalk click here : gAES
- If you use google Hangouts click here : hangoutAES
GreaseMonkey will suggest you to install the script, do it.
Both you and the contact you want to chat with have to configure gAES/hangoutAES.
After installing gAES/hangoutAES, it's time to configure it.
Click on : the GreaseMonkey icon
> Manage User Scripts
> gAES options
> Edit this User Script
let's take an exemple:
I'm Walker Evans
(on gmail) and I want to chat securely with August Sander
(on gmail)
- I (Walker Evans) have to configure the begining of the script like this :
var whiteList = [{
user : 'August Sander',
passphrase : 'abcDEF-123456-same-for-both-users'
- And August Sander have to configure it like this :
var whiteList = [{
user : 'Walker Evans',
passphrase : 'abcDEF-123456-same-for-both-users'
Save, refresh the gmail tab, et voilà !
gAES/hangoutAES encrypts your message on the fly, then decrypts all messages in the chatbox, every seconds (you can configure it).
When reading chat history gAES/hangoutAES adds a decrypt button to decrypt the encrypted conversation (yes).
GreaseMonkey, or a firefox plugin to use userscripts
Gibberish AES (Mark Percival),