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Repository for the Island Climate Update scripts and IPython notebooks


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Island Climate Update

This repository gathers scripts and notebooks used to generate various products related to the Island Climate Update (ICU).

The Island Climate Update is a monthly Regional Climate Outlook Forum and outlook bulletin for the southwest Pacific.

go to:

To view examples of some of these products incorportated in the presentation material uploaded on speakerdeck before the monthly ICU teleconference.

The scripts and notebooks are written in the language Python. They make heavy use of the Python scientific stack: i.e. in particular the following libraries:

To get all these working on your platform (Windows, Linux, Mac), I strongly recommend installing the Anaconda Python distribution, developed and made available for free by Continuum Analytics.

This github repository is organised in different sections:

1. mailing

generates the monthly mail sent to the ICU mailing list, with time of the teleconference translated in the different time-zones in the region.

usage example:

$ ./[]( 175 2015 04 02 12 30

generates the mail for the issue 175 of the ICU, teleconference to be held on the 2nd of April 2015 at 12:30 PM (assumes NZ time)

2. Climate Maps

  • TRMM Rainfall (Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission)

    there are two versions:

    • one makes use of the images directly available from the Nasa TRMM website, updated daily for the last 30 days averages and anomalies: the script downloads the image, crops it and overlay the image on a high resolution basemap of the southwest Pacific.

    • The other is based on the actual data available from, the whole process is constructed around a couple of scripts and notebooks:

      • downloads the TRMM data daily in binary and converts the files to NetCDF
      • make_ICU_TRMM_map.ipynb creates the map of averages or anomalies for the current month (if we are after the 25) or the previous month (before the 25th)

+ **Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) anomalies** from NOAA + see [make_ICU_OLR_map.ipynb](

3. ENSO indices

4. TRMM-based Near realtime Monthly Regional Rainfall Estimates

The rainfall regional estimates for the ICU Island Groups are calculated from the TRMM daily dataset (updated daily, 2 days latency).

For each Island group, the monthly value is derived from the average of all grid-points (or "pixels") in the TRMM Dataset that are contained of intersect with a coastline, to ensure that the values correspond as closely as possible to rainfall on land, and excluding rainfall falling on ocean surfaces.

The climatology used has been established over the 2001 – 2012 period. The categories ("Well-below", "Below", etc.) are determined according to the percentage of the normal rainfall for that month.

The whole process relies on a suite of Python scripts and IPython notebooks, they will be uploaded here shortly


Repository for the Island Climate Update scripts and IPython notebooks







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