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ADLocalize is a simple way to manage your localization files. Supported wording sources : CSVs and Google Sheets. Localization file generation available for iOS, Android, JSON (i18next), YAML and Java properties


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The purpose of this gem is to automatically generate wording files from a CSV input (CSV file or Google Spreadsheet). It supports iOS, Android, JSON, YAML and Java Properties. It is a useful tool when working on a mobile application or a SPA.

Migration from 5.x to 6.0.0

When using the CLI replace GCLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET=$(cat <path-to-client-secret.json>) with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secret.json>
When using the interactor refer to ruby program usage section


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ad_localize'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ad_localize


Command Line

  • Display help
$ ad_localize -h
  • Export wording from a public google spreadsheet, default tab. The spreadsheet key and sheet_id are available in the spreadsheet url. For example<your-spreadsheet-drive-key>/edit#gid=<sheet-id>.
$ ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key>
  • Export wording from a set of google spreadsheet tabs.
$ ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key> -s <comma-separated-sheet-id-list>
$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secret.json> ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key>
$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secret.json> ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key> -e
  • Only generate wording files for the specified platforms
$ ad_localize -o ios
  • Choose the path of the output directory
$ ad_localize -t <path-to-the-output-directory>
  • Run in debug mode. In this mode, logs are more verbose
$ ad_localize -d
  • Won't generate keys with empty values (iOS feature only, automatically handled for Android)
$ ad_localize -x
  • Will escape % character present in wordings (iOS feature only), this is useful when using the wording through String(format:)
$ ad_localize --auto-escape-percent
  • Only generate wording files for the specified locales
$ ad_localize -l fr,en
  • Keep extra spaces before and after translated values
$ ad_localize --skip-value-stripping

In a Ruby program

There are many possibilities when using AdLocalize in a ruby program. You can add support to your own wording format, support other platforms, select which locales you want to export, generate wording file content without writing on the disk and many more.

Here is an example of how to use it to produce the same output as the command line. If you want more examples, please open a documentation issue.

    require 'ad_localize'
    # create export request
    export_request =
    export_request.spreadsheet_id = 'some_id'
    export_request.sheet_ids = %w[first second]
    export_request.verbose = true
        # download files - be sure that GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set if you use service account
        export_request.downloaded_csvs = export_request)
        # execute request export_request)
        export_request.downloaded_csvs.each do |file|

Accessing a google spreadsheet

Share to anyone with the link

If you do not have high security concerns, the simplest way to access a google spreadsheet is to allow anyone with the link to view it and enable the Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy option in the spreadsheet sharing settings.

Use a Google Cloud Service Account

To use a private google spreasheet you need to use a Google Cloud Service Account. Here are the steps to follow :

  1. Create a GCloud Service Account:
    • Go to Google Cloud Console
    • Either create a new project or use an existing one (when using Firebase, a GCloud project is created)
    • Go to IAM & Admin / Service Account and create a new service account.
    • Store the created client-secret.json (in a password manager for example)
  2. Enable Google Spreadsheet API for the project
    • Go to API / Library and enable the Google Spreadsheet API there.
  3. Add the service account to a spreadsheet.
    • In IAM & Admin / Service Account, the service account's email is listed. Invite it to the spreadsheet to export.
$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secrets> ad_localize -k # one way
$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secrets> ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key> -s <comma-separated-sheet-id-list> # another way
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-client-secrets>
$ ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key> # one way
$ ad_localize -k <your-spreadsheet-drive-key> -s <comma-separated-sheet-id-list> # another way

Wording syntax

General syntax rules

key fr en
# General
agenda agenda events
favorites Mes favoris My favorites
from_to du %1$@ au %2$@ from %1$@ to %2$@
  • Any column after the key column will be considered as a locale column (except from the optional comment columns)
  • Keys should contain only letter, number, underscore and dot : [a-z0-9_.]+.
  • Format specifiers must be numeroted if there are more than one in a translation string (eg: "%1$@ %2$@'s report").
  • Only for Android keys without translation won't be considered
  • Lines starting with a comment will be ignored


Only for Android and iOS

To add comments for iOS or Android, simply add a comment column using the naming convention comment <locale>. Comments are available in strings.xml, Localizable.strings, Localizable.stringsdict, InfoPlist.strings. Here is an example for InfoPlist.strings :

key en comment en
player_time_live Live bypass-unused-error
seconds seconds bypass-untranslated-error
"player_time_live" = "Live"; // bypass-unused-error
"seconds" = "seconds"; // bypass-untranslated-error

Key with plural notation

Only for Android and iOS

Syntax for plural keys in the CSV file: key##{text}.

key fr
assess_rate_trip_voiceover##{one} Rate %1$@ star
assess_rate_trip_voiceover##{other} Rate %1$@ stars

String interpolation mapping

Only for Android

If you want to share a spreadsheet between iOS and Android, you can write the wording using the iOS string interpolation convention. The translation to android convention will be done automagically.

Adaptive strings

Only for iOS

Syntax for adaptive keys in the CSV file: key##{number}.

key fr
start_countdown##{20} Start
start_countdown##{25} Start countdown
start_countdown##{50} Start countdown


Only for iOS.

Every key that matches the following formats will be added to the InfoPlist.strings file instead of Localizable.strings:

  • NS...UsageDescription
  • NFCReaderUsageDescription
  • CF...Name

Nested wording

Only for YAML and JSON

For these two platforms it is common to have nested wording files, either to handle plural or to group wording by sections. To handle this behavior in a simple way you should use dots in the key to separate the different levels. For example :

key fr
login.password mot de passe email
{"login":{"password":"mot de passe","email":"email"}}
    password: "mot de passe"
    email: "email"


The default output folder name is exports. If your export is for multiple platforms there will be an intermediate folder for each platform, otherwise the wording files (and folders) will directly be generated in the export folder. Any existing file will be overriden. You can see examples of generated files in test/fixtures/export_references/

Here an export tree example for all supported platforms in fr and en:

├── android
│   ├── values
│   │   └── strings.xml
│   └── values-en
│       └── strings.xml
├── ios
│   ├── en.lproj
│   │   ├── InfoPlist.strings
│   │   ├── Localizable.strings
│   │   └── Localizable.stringsdict
│   └── fr.lproj
│       ├── InfoPlist.strings
│       ├── Localizable.strings
│       └── Localizable.stringsdict
├── json
│   ├── en.json
│   └── fr.json
├── properties
│   ├──
│   └──
└── yml
    ├── en.yml
    └── fr.yml


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

To see all available commands run bundle exec rake -T .


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

How to release a new version

  1. After all your changes are reviewed and merged
  2. Create a release branch
  3. Update the version in lib/ad_localize/version.rb
  4. Execute make publish

You may need to configure your account at step 4. if you've never pushed any gem. You can find all the informations you need on the official documentation.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the AdLocalize project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


ADLocalize is a simple way to manage your localization files. Supported wording sources : CSVs and Google Sheets. Localization file generation available for iOS, Android, JSON (i18next), YAML and Java properties



Code of conduct





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