A superfluous calendar to visually explore upcoming Meetup events
##Goals - Project and Personal Learning The goal of this project is to create a calendar for Meetups that visually shows me the upcoming meetups I might be interested in and that I've committed to. It will include the use of OAuth , API querying, JSON, authentication with keys, etc. I hope to solidify all of these concepts more by using an API I'm completely unfamiliar with. I also hope to do a better job of separating functionality of methods, and being more organized with keeping things where they belong - really, what I'm after is no more spaghetti.
##Target Audience Target audience is me. I don't like the calendar for Meetup.com, so I'm going to try and create a version that makes more sense to me. No promises on the visual appeal overall.
##Technologies I'm going to use Rails and RESTful routing. Hopefully correctly. In addition to Meetup's OAuth log in, I will thoroughly depend on Meetup having a structured API with consistent output so... fingers crossed. Potential to integrate with my google calendar, but likely not a priority.
##Success? I'll be done when I've spent 15 hours on this project. As you said, it's supposed to be indicative of our overall abilities and understanding of the technologies we use rather than pouring time into it as a brute force method. I expect at a minimum to have all of my data pulled into the app and displayed, but I am unsure if I'll be able to get it to a place where it's visually appealing and looks like a true calendar. It will still be a success even if it doesn't look like a standard calander, but displays all of the information I request of it. Namely, meetups by topic organized by date and probably color-coded to my own preference.