Computation of the minimal convex invariant error set for the error-diffusion algorithm in 2D, given a collection of sets of points.
Uses the CGAL C++ library.
Point set can be given in a JSON object with the collection of point sets with key "point_sets" as an array of arrays of pairs of coordinates. Coordinates can be integers, or fractions, denoted as strings, like "4/5". Example: below we have a collection of three point sets:
Save this in a file, and run ./iter <filename>
The following options can be specified in the JSON object:
"iteration" : specify which iteration to use:
- "g" : the G-iteration (default)
- "G" : the convexified G-iteration
- "f" : the F-iteration
- "F" : the convexified F-iteration
For example,
{ "iteration":"G", "point_sets":[...] }
"A" : the initial set to use
For example,
{ "A":[[1,1],[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1]], "point_sets":[...] }
If "A" is omitted, the singleton set [0,0] is used for the "g" and "G" iterations, while the convex hull of the first point set is used for the "f" and "F" iterations.
"digit_threshold" : threshold specifying how many digits the numerator or denominator of a vertex coordinate should have in order to enable coefficient rounding (defaults to 10)
"rounding_error" : round a coordinate when it is within rounding_error from a small fraction (defaults to 1e-8)