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Abi edited this page Nov 28, 2024 · 20 revisions


  • Circle a letter (main key) for uppercase
    • Behaviour -> Type digit on clockwise circle and Behaviour -> Type digit on counter-clockwise circle can change either (or both) circle directions from uppercase to digit instead
  • Swipe to and back from a letter for uppercase (secondary keys)
  • Long press makes digits (only for that tap)
  • To change the casing of a word put the cursor on or near it (to do the same with multiple words, select them instead) and then swipe to and back from up shift (on the "r" key) to move up through the options in this list and swipe to and back from down shift (also on the "r" key) to move down through the options in this list
    • Uppercase all the letters
    • Uppercase the first letter
    • Lowercase the first letter
    • Lowercase all the letters

The layout switch button (looks kind of like 🔄)

  • Circle to change handedness (if the layer you're using makes it so that tapping it switches to numbers/keypad view)
  • Long press to switch letters to numbers view (doesn't do anything on layers with mini numbers)

The keyboard icon (looks kind of like ⌨️)

  • Swipe to and back to open your system's software keyboard switcher (IME selector)


  • Counter-clockwise circle or swipe left and back for deleting a word
  • Clockwise circle, swipe right and back, or long press to delete a word in front of the cursor
  • Swipe right to delete a character in front of the cursor


  • Swipe up to send a new line

The "Zalgo mode" icon (looks kind of like [→←])

  • "Zalgo mode" lets you combine symbols and letters that FlickBoard doesn't automatically combine - For example typing "c" and then "¨" doesn't combine normally, but you can force it with c-zalgo-¨ and get c̈ - You can also keep stacking some symbols and make ấ̀̊ for example


  • Drag-up-right for Ctrl
    • Drag-up-right and back for Esc
  • Drag-up-left for Alt
  • If Aesthetics -> Enable toggle show symbols/letters gestures is enabled…
    • Swipe up to toggle showing symbols
      • Swipe up and back to toggle showing letters

Tips and tricks


Swiping to the corners of a key

When swiping to the corner of a key, it's the angle of the swipe that matters, not the fact you swipe through the letter/symbol -- if you make the keys rectangular by adjusting the keyboard height, the direction you need to swipe is the same as it was when they were square


Gesturing circles

Circles can go outside of the key -- they just need to start in the key

Behaviour -> Enable fast actions

Fast actions are enabled by default. They make…

  • Swiping on backspace (both left and right) select text and delete the selected text when released
    • Use shift to make swiping change the selection by word rather than just character
  • Swiping on spacebar move the cursor
    • Use shift to make swiping change the selection by word rather than just character
    • Tap the cut/copy/voice input/paste button to enter selection mode -- this makes swiping the spacebar select text instead of just moving the cursor

Behaviour -> Enable long swipes

Space long swipes

Swipe right starting from…

  • a
  • h
  • t

Backspace long swipes

Swipe left starting from…

  • i
  • r
  • s