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A Unofficial mapmyindia flutter packages .

Internally use Mapmyindia REST API

Table of Contents


Depend on it

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  mapmyindia_flutter: ^1.0.7

Install it

You can install packages from the command line:

with pub:
$ dart pub get

Alternatively, your editor might support dart pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:mapmyindia_flutter/mapmyindia_flutter.dart';


If you need to get latitude and longitude of your current location there is a package recommanded for you Geolocator

First you need to create an account on Mapmyindia Signup. If you have allready an account then Mapmyindia Login . In reverse geocoding you will use the REST API Key for Web/Android/iOS.


Reverse Geocoding

Reverse Geocoding is a process to give the closest matching address to a provided geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude). MapmyIndia reverse geocoding API provides real addresses along with nearest popular landmarks for any such geo-positions on the map.

import 'package:mapmyindia_flutter/mapmyindia_flutter.dart';

                    .then((getAddress) {
                    ReverseGeocoding address = getAddress.formattedAddress;            

Code explaination

MapMyIndiaGeocoding class contain getAddress(double,double) method and it return Future<ReverseGeocoding>.

ReverseGeocoding Model

Data Description
houseNumber The house number of the location. It may be empty String if house number not exist
houseName The name of the location.
poi The name of the POI if the location is a place of interest (POI).
poiDist distance from nearest POI in metres.
street The name of the street of the location.
streetDist distance from nearest Street in metres.
subSubLocality The name of the sub-sub-locality where the location exists.
subLocality The name of the sub-locality where the location exists.
locality The name of the locality where the location exists.
village The name of the village if the location exists in a village.
district The name of the district in which the location exists.
subDistrict The name of the sub-district in which the location exists.
city The name of the city in which the location exists.
state The name of the state in which the location exists.
pincode The pin code of the location area.
latitude The latitude of the location.
longitude The longitude of the location.
formattedAddress The complete human readable address string that is usually the complete postal address of the result.
area in-case the co-ordinate lies in a country the name of the country would be returned or if the co-ordinate lies in an ocean, the name of the ocean will be returned.

Still Map Image

The Still Map Image returns the map as an image which you can display on your application. The API lets you embed MapmyIndia Maps image according to geo-position, pixel size and zoom level of the map on your application without requiring any dynamic page loading. The image can be a retina image and markers can be added to the image to indicate position of any object.

 String mapImageUrl = MapMyIndiaStillMap("[API_KEY]")

Additional Parameter in getMapImage() method are -

Parameter Description
markers Toptional markers that you may want to add to the map tile. default Value List(centerLatitude,centerLongitude)
width The size of the image requested in pixels as Width.
height The size of the image requested in pixels as Height.
zoom The zoom level for which the image is requested. Ranges from 4 to 18 with 18 being the highest zoomed in level.
ssf scale factor indicating retina or non-retina tiles. 0→non-retina tiles. 1→retina tiles.


  • Forward Geocoding
  • Autosuggest
  • eLOC
  • Traveled Route Image


BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Please file any issues, bugs or feature requests as an issue on our GitHub page. Commercial support is available, you can contact us at [email protected].


If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our code and send us your pull request.


Unofficial mapmyindia flutter package







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