A full stack application, where any customer can create, sell or purchase the tickets. Followed Event-Based Microservice Architecture and Server-Side Rendering with React. Full Documentation
- API: ExpressJs
- UI: React and NextJs
- Database: MongoDB
- Search Engine: Elasticsearch
- Deployed: Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster.
Auth-service - Service used for authentication purposes i.e, user signup, signin and signout.
Ticket-service - Service used for ticket creation and updating.
Order-service - Service used for order creation and updating.
Expiration-service -Service used for expiring/cancelling orders after 5 minutes.
Payment-service - Service used for handling payments, completes the order only if payment is succeeded or cancels order if payment is failed.
Support-service - Service used for handling Email and SMS notification.
Expiration-service and Support-service does not have any routes, these services communicate through nats streaming listeners and publishers.
Common contains common functionalities used shared with other services through npm package - @nk-ticketing-app/common