Write the game rock-paper-scissors.
- Player 1always chooses Rock
- Player 2 takes a random choice of rock, paper or scissors
- Following rules apply: rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beats paper. Both players with the same hand makes a draw
- 100 rounds are to be played
- Show a statistic how often each player has won the round and how many draws.
- Add some tests in PHPUnit
- Development in PHP, Output in console
- Write the code in a way that it's extendable in the future (adding new rules f.e.)
Winning Logic Based on
private array $wins = [
'PAPER' => ['ROCK','WATER'],
To run the Game From Xampp Installation At Project Location :: C:\xampp\htdocs\rps C:\xampp\htdocs\rps> php app/Game.php It will o/p on console like Below
<PS C:\xampp\htdocs\rps> php app/Game.php
1- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 ROCK | Winner is : Draw
2- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 FIRE | Winner is : Player2
95- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 WATER | Winner is : Player1
96- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 FIRE | Winner is : Player2
97- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 PAPER | Winner is : Player2
98- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 ROCK | Winner is : Draw
99- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 FIRE | Winner is : Player2
100- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 WATER | Winner is : Player1
In Game 100 Rounds played statistic :-
Total Rounds Draw : 24
Total Rounds Won by Player 1 : 36
Total Rounds Won by Player 2 : 40
PS C:\xampp\htdocs\rps>
C:\xampp\htdocs\rps> .\vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose --debug .\UnitTestFiles\Test\GameTest.php
PHPUnit 9.6.17 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Runtime: PHP 8.0.10
Test 'App\GameTest::testClassConstructor' started
Test 'App\GameTest::testClassConstructor' ended
1- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 SCISSORS | Winner is : Player1
2- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 FIRE | Winner is : Player2
3- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 WATER | Winner is : Player1
98- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 ROCK | Winner is : Draw
99- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 SCISSORS | Winner is : Player1
100- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 ROCK | Winner is : Draw
In Game 100 Rounds played statistic :-
Total Rounds Draw : 30
Total Rounds Won by Player 1 : 36
Total Rounds Won by Player 2 : 34
Test 'App\GameTest::testPlayer1Wins' started
Test 'App\GameTest::testPlayer1Wins' ended
2- Player:1 ROCK - Player:2 SCISSORS | Winner is : Player1
4- Player:1 SCISSORS - Player:2 PAPER | Winner is : Player1
Test 'App\GameTest::testPlayer2Wins' started
Test 'App\GameTest::testPlayer2Wins' ended
2- Player:1 PAPER - Player:2 SCISSORS | Winner is : Player2
Time: 00:00.011, Memory: 4.00 MB
OK (3 tests, 4 assertions)
PS C:\xampp\htdocs\rps>