Application name: ImRock
¬ MATLAB software ¬ Thin section images of rocks for testing
¬ Start by executing the New.m MATLAB script. ¬ A GUI will be opened where you have to first select the path to thin section images through the file explorer and then select the parameters for the structuring element. ¬ Next step is to press the compute button. ¬ The computation will take time depending in the number of samples provided by you. ¬ After computation is over 3 graphs will be printed with the parameters shown on the respective axes. ¬ The parameter values will be shown in the respective text boxes. ¬ Pressing the input samples button on the GUI will open the folder where input samples were stored. ¬ To specify the path for the resultant images, edit the line 544 in New.m script. ¬ After making the above change you will able to see the resultant images by clicking the show output images button