- Nikita Voskoboynik (https://github.com/nikitavoskoboynik)
- Marc Simpson (https://github.com/masi8397)
- Jake White (https://github.com/jakewhite8)
- Jake Charland (https://github.com/jakecharland)
We decided to promote the product that has recently suffered the largest decrease in sales, but is still a top performer. Because it was popular in the past, we know it is a good product and want to get performance back to previous levels. If you purchases it within the next day, you get 5% off.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase | timechart span=2d limit=16 count by productId
Shows a line chart of product sales performance over the span of a week.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase | table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top productId
Shows top sales performance of products in a statistics table.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase | stats count by productId | SORT by productId
Shows the largest difference in sales of each product in the past 2 days.
{{more if desired, use-the-same-template-structure-as-before}}
The clients who have made the most purchases should be targeted for the loyalty program because of top customer retention. The top 10 clients will qualify for the program. After n amount of purchases, the client will be rewarded.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase|
table clientip, action, productId, date_month, date_mday, date_wday | top clientip
Shows a statistics table of the clients with the most purchases.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase| timechart span=2d count by clientip useother=f
Shows a line chart of the clients with the top purchases over time.
sourcetype=access_* productId cart.do action=purchase clientip=| top categoryId
This shows the category of the top clients purchases.
{{more if desired, use-the-same-template-structure-as-before}}