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nikitn2 committed Nov 26, 2024
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Showing 24 changed files with 5,600 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Copyright 2024 Nikita Gourianov

Licensed under the GPL license v3 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Over and above the legal restrictions imposed by this license, if you use this software (for example, for an academic publication) then you are obliged to provide proper attribution. This should be to the paper that is based on this software: "Tensor networks enable the calculation of turbulence probability distributions"; Sci Advs (2025); N. Gourianov, P. Givi, D. Jaksch, S. B. Pope.
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions PDEs/FokkerPlanck/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import config as cfg
import time
import itertools
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

import PDEs.PdeGeneral as pdeg

Here lie functions for directly solving the Fokker-Planck equations

def getTGVSmag(TGVpars, Mx, l, gamma, spatDim = 3 ):

# Initialise
dx = l/Mx

# Construct the TaylorGreen vortex and Smagorinsky stress tensor

A = TGVpars[0]; B = TGVpars[1]; C = TGVpars[2]
a = TGVpars[3]; b = TGVpars[4]; c = TGVpars[5]
x = np.linspace(0,l-dx,Mx)
Acosax = A*np.cos(a*x); sinbx = np.sin(b*x); sincx = np.sin(c*x)
Bsinax = B*np.sin(a*x); cosbx = np.cos(b*x)
Csinax = C*np.sin(a*x); coscx = np.cos(c*x)

# Create the velocity field
if spatDim == 2:
# Taylor-Green vortex
Acosax1sinbx2 =np.tensordot(Acosax,sinbx,0)
Bsinax1cosbx2 =np.tensordot(Bsinax,cosbx,0)
U = [Acosax1sinbx2, Bsinax1cosbx2]

# Taylor-Green vortex
Acosax1sinbx2sincx3 =np.tensordot(np.tensordot(Acosax,sinbx,0),sincx,0)
Bsinax1cosbx2sincx3 =np.tensordot(np.tensordot(Bsinax,cosbx,0),sincx,0)
Csinax1sinbx2coscx3 =np.tensordot(np.tensordot(Csinax,sinbx,0),coscx,0)

# Add a jet
uni = A + 0*x
exp = np.exp( -0.5*(x-l/2)**2/(l/6)**2 )
jet1_gauss = -np.tensordot(np.tensordot(uni,exp,0),exp,0)
jet2_gauss = 0
jet3_gauss = 0
U = [Acosax1sinbx2sincx3 + jet1_gauss, Bsinax1cosbx2sincx3 + jet2_gauss, Csinax1sinbx2coscx3 + jet3_gauss]

# And construct the Smagorinsky stress tensor

# First get the derivatives
DU=[[None]*spatDim for _ in range(spatDim)]
for i, j in itertools.product(range(spatDim),range(spatDim)):
DU[i][j] = 1/dx*pdeg.differencer(U[j], i, 1, "periodic",method="central2")

# Then compute np.sqrt{ Sum_ij (DU[i][j] + DU[j][i])^2 }
temp = 0
for i, j in itertools.product(range(spatDim),range(spatDim)):
temp += (DU[i][j] + DU[j][i])**2

# And finally get Smagorinsky model
S = gamma*np.sqrt(temp)

return U, S

# RK2 solver for the PDE:
# df/dt =
# - u_i df/dx_i + d/dx_i [(nu+S)df/dx_i f]
# + d/dphi_j {[Omega*(phi_j - <Phi_j>) + alpha*d/dphi_j] f}
# - d/dphi_j (S_j*f),
# with S_j = -consts_reac[j]*phi_1*phi_2*...

# Input: f0 ~ ([Mx]*spatDim + [Mphi]*reacDim)

def directSolveFP(f0, TGVpars, spatDim, Mt, samplingPeriod, l, T, nu, gamma, const_omega, alpha, consts_reac,c=1, w=0):

# Initialise
Mx = f0.shape[0]
Mphi = f0.shape[-1]
dt = T/Mt
dx = l/Mx
dphi = 1/Mphi
reacDim = len(f0.shape)-spatDim
MtSamples = Mt//samplingPeriod
f = np.zeros( [Mx]*spatDim + [Mphi]*reacDim + [MtSamples+1])

# Check provided input is sensible
if spatDim != 2 and spatDim != 3: raise ValueError('Error: spatial dimension must be either 2 or 3! Exiting.')

# Insert into f
f[...,0] = f0

# Get the TaylorGreen vortex and Smagorinsky stress tensor
U, S = getTGVSmag(TGVpars, Mx, l, gamma, spatDim) # U ~ (spatDim, [Mx]*spatDim) ; S ~ ([Mx]*spatDim)

# Pre for time-march

# Define needed variables
phi = np.linspace(0,1,Mphi)
phis = [phi.reshape( (1,)*spatDim + (1,)*(j-spatDim) + (Mphi,) + (1,)*(spatDim-j+reacDim-1) ) for j in range(spatDim, spatDim+reacDim)]
multPhis = 1
for j in range(reacDim): multPhis = multPhis*phis[j]
compSpaceBoundryCond = "normconserving" # Should be “norm-conserving"; periodic only for testing

# Define dt propagator
def propagator(g,coswt=1):

# Initialise
dg_dt = 0
visc = nu+coswt*S
O = const_omega*visc

# Convection in real-space
for i in range(0,spatDim): dg_dt -= coswt*U[i]*1/dx*pdeg.differencer(g, i) - 1/dx**2*pdeg.differencer(visc*pdeg.differencer(g, i), i)

# Convection in composition-space
for j in range(spatDim, spatDim+reacDim):
phi_j = phis[j-spatDim]
EPHI_j = np.sum(phi_j*g, axis = tuple([-(i+1) for i in range(reacDim)]),keepdims=True)*dphi**2

dg_dt += 1/dphi*pdeg.differencer(O*(phi_j-EPHI_j)*g,j, boundaryCond = compSpaceBoundryCond)
dg_dt += alpha/dphi**2*pdeg.differencer(g, j, order=2, boundaryCond = compSpaceBoundryCond)
dg_dt += 1/dphi*pdeg.differencer(consts_reac[j-spatDim]*multPhis*g,j, boundaryCond = compSpaceBoundryCond)

return dg_dt

# Start time-marching
f_t = f0.copy()
for t in range(1,Mt+1):
start_time = time.time()

prev = f_t.copy()
coswt = np.cos(w*t/Mt*T) +

# Compute dt/2 forward in time
half= +0.5*dt*propagator(prev,coswt) + prev

# Now use the above to perform a full step
f_t = +1.0*dt*propagator(half,coswt) + prev

#print(f_t.sum()*dphi**2*dx**3) #norm

end_time = time.time()
print("RK2 (direct) timestep time:{:.2f} seconds; {:.0f}% done.".format(end_time - start_time, t/Mt*100), flush=True)

if t % samplingPeriod == 0: f[...,t//samplingPeriod] = f_t

return f

# RK2 solver for the PDE:
# d<phi_i>/dt = F_i(<phi_i>)
# = sum_j{- u_j d<phi_i>/dx_j + d^2/dx_j^2 [alphaH<phi_i>]}. i,j = either 2 or 3.
# Here the static velocity field u_i is simply the Taylor-green vortex

def directSolveFPfirstMomentEqsNoReac(EPHI0, TGVpars, Mt, samplingPeriod, l, T, nu, gamma, w = 0, scheme="RK2"):

# Initialise
Mx = EPHI0.shape[0]
dt = T/Mt
dx = l/Mx
spatDim = len(EPHI0.shape)-1
reacDim = EPHI0.shape[-1]
MtSamples = Mt//samplingPeriod
EPHI = np.zeros( [Mx]*spatDim + [reacDim] + [MtSamples+1])

# Check provided input is sensible
if spatDim != 2 and spatDim != 3: raise ValueError('Error: spatial dimension must be either 2 or 3! Exiting.')

# # Presmooth EPHI0
# nu_smoothing = l/Mx
# for t in range(int(0.01*T/dt)):
# for j in range(spatDim): EPHI0 = EPHI0 - nu_smoothing*dt/dx**2*pdeg.differencer(EPHI0, j, 2, "periodic","central2")

# Insert into EPHI
for i in range(0,reacDim): EPHI[...,i,0] = EPHI0[...,i]

# Get the TaylorGreen vortex and Smagorinsky stress tensor
U, S = getTGVSmag(TGVpars, Mx, l, gamma, spatDim)

# Time-march forward now
EPHI_t = EPHI0.copy()
# Define dt propagator
propagator = lambda j, orig, method: -coswt * U[j] * 1 / dx * pdeg.differencer(orig, j, 1, "periodic", method) + 1 / dx ** 2 * pdeg.differencer((nu + coswt * S) * pdeg.differencer(orig, j, 1, "periodic", method), j, 1, "periodic", method)

for t in range(1,Mt+1):

start_time = time.time()
for i in range(0,reacDim):
prev = EPHI_t[...,i].copy()
coswt = np.cos(w*t/Mt*T) +

if scheme == "RK2":
# Set finite difference method
method = "central2"

# Compute dt/2 forward in time
half = prev.copy()
for j in range(spatDim): half += + 0.5*dt*propagator(j,prev,method)

# Now use the above to perform a full step
for j in range(spatDim): EPHI_t[...,i] += 1*dt*propagator(j,half,method)

elif scheme == "MacCormack":

print("Warning: MacCormack implementation is untested.")

#Compute predictor step
pred = prev.copy()
for j in range(spatDim): pred += dt*propagator(j,prev, method="forward1")

# Now use the above to perform the full step
EPHI_t[...,i] = 0.5*(prev + pred)
for j in range(spatDim): EPHI_t[...,i] += 0.5*dt*propagator(j,pred, method = "backward1")

end_time = time.time()
print("RK2 (direct) timestep time:{:.2f} seconds; {:.0f}% done.".format(end_time - start_time, t/Mt*100))

if t % samplingPeriod == 0: EPHI[...,t//samplingPeriod] = EPHI_t

return EPHI

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