This application was created to manage 📝 your meetings with co-workers. It`s simple assistance on pure JavaScript
You can use it here or clone this repo and use your own hosting but don't forget about npm install
- Create new meetings
- Filter your meeting by person
- User-friendly interface
To create new meeting you should click "New Event+" button at Calendar screen 📅, after that you will transferred to "Create event" screen.
- At "Create event" screen you will meet 4 inputs
- In the first input with label "Name of the event" 🎈 you should enter meeting title
- In the second input with label "Participants" 👪 you should select members of this meeting
- In the third input with label "Day" 📆 you should select the day of this meeting
- In the last one input with label "Time" 🕜 you should select time of this meeting
The meeting can be successfully created if and only if the time slot for that day and time is free. Otherwise the error bar should be shown.In this case you should change your time slot and try again to create meeting
To filter by participants, select the members that interest you at Calendar screen 📅
In order to delete a meeting you should to click the delete icon near the meeting title at “Calendar” screen and then confirm your action in a confirmation dialog.