C++ port of the pyqttoast library (v1.2.0) - a fully customizable and modern toast notification library for Qt
- Supports showing multiple toasts at the same time
- Supports queueing of toasts
- Supports 7 different positions
- Supports multiple screens
- Modern and fully customizable UI
Include the Toast.h
file, instantiate the Toast
, and show the toast notification with the show()
Toast* toast = new Toast(this);
toast->setDuration(8000); // Hide after 8 seconds
toast->setTitle("Error! Cannot complete request.");
toast->setText("Please try again in a few minutes.");
An instance ofToast
can only be shown once. If you want to show another one, even if the content is exactly the same, you have to create another instance.
#pragma once
#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
#include <QtWidgets/QPushButton>
#include "Toast.h"
class Window : public QMainWindow
Window(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
private slots:
void showToast();
QPushButton* m_button;
#include "Window.h"
Window::Window(QWidget* parent)
// Add button and connect click event
m_button = new QPushButton(this);
m_button->setText("Show toast");
connect(m_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showToast()));
void Window::showToast()
// Shows a toast notification every time the button is clicked
Toast* toast = new Toast(this);
toast->setDuration(6000); // Hide after 6 seconds
toast->setTitle("Success! Confirmation email sent.");
toast->setText("Check your email to complete signup.");
toast->applyPreset(ToastPreset::SUCCESS); // Apply style preset
- Setting the position of the toasts (static):
Toast::setPosition(ToastPosition::BOTTOM_MIDDLE); // Default: ToastPosition::BOTTOM_RIGHT
- Setting a limit on how many toasts can be shown at the same time (static):
Toast::setMaximumOnScreen(5); // Default: 3
If you try to show more toasts than the maximum amount on screen, they will get added to a queue and get shown as soon as one of the currently showing toasts is closed.
- Setting the vertical spacing between the toasts (static):
Toast::setSpacing(20); // Default: 10
- Setting the x and y offset of the toast position (static):
Toast::setOffset(30, 55); // Default: 20, 45
- Setting whether the toasts should always be shown on the main screen (static):
Toast::setAlwaysOnMainScreen(true); // Default: false
- Making the toast show forever until it is closed:
toast->setDuration(0); // Default: 5000
- Enabling or disabling the duration bar:
toast->setShowDurationBar(false); // Default: true
- Adding an icon:
toast->setIcon(ToastIcon::SUCCESS); // Default: ToastIcon::INFORMATION
// Or setting a custom icon:
- Setting the icon size:
toast->setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)); // Default: QSize(18, 18)
- Enabling or disabling the icon separator:
toast->setShowIconSeparator(false); // Default: true
- Setting the close button alignment:
toast->setCloseButtonAlignment(ToastButtonAlignment::MIDDLE); // Default: ToastButtonAlignment::TOP
- Enabling or disabling the close button:
toast->setShowCloseButton(false); // Default: true
- Customizing the duration of the fade animations (milliseconds):
toast->setFadeInDuration(100); // Default: 250
toast->setFadeOutDuration(150); // Default: 250
- Enabling or disabling duration reset on hover:
toast->setResetDurationOnHover(false); // Default: true
- Making the corners rounded:
toast->setBorderRadius(3); // Default: 0
- Setting custom colors:
toast->setBackgroundColor(QColor("#292929")); // Default: #E7F4F9
toast->setTitleColor(QColor("#FFFFFF")); // Default: #000000
toast->setTextColor(QColor("#D0D0D0")); // Default: #5C5C5C
toast->setDurationBarColor(QColor("#3E9141")); // Default: #5C5C5C
toast->setIconColor(QColor("#3E9141")); // Default: #5C5C5C
toast->setIconSeparatorColor(QColor("#585858")); // Default: #D9D9D9
toast->setCloseButtonIconColor(QColor("#C9C9C9")); // Default: #000000
- Setting custom fonts:
toast->setTitleFont(QFont("Times", 10, QFont::Weight::Bold));
toast->setTextFont(QFont("Times", 10);
- Applying a style preset:
- Setting toast size constraints:
// Minimum and maximum size
// Fixed size (not recommended)
toast->setFixedSize(QSize(350, 80));
Other customization options:
Option | Description | Default |
setFixedScreen() |
Fixed screen where the toasts will be shown (static) | nullptr |
setIconSeparatorWidth() |
Width of the icon separator that separates the icon and text section | 2 |
setCloseButtonIcon() |
Icon of the close button | ToastIcon::CLOSE |
setCloseButtonIconSize() |
Size of the close button icon | QSize(10, 10) |
setCloseButtonSize() |
Size of the close button | QSize(24, 24) |
setStayOnTop() |
Whether the toast stays on top of other windows even when they are focused | true |
setTextSectionSpacing() |
Vertical spacing between the title and the text | 8 |
setMargins() |
Margins around the whole toast content | QMargins(20, 18, 10, 18) |
setIconMargins() |
Margins around the icon | QMargins(0, 0, 15, 0) |
setIconSectionMargins() |
Margins around the icon section (the area with the icon and the icon separator) | QMargins(0, 0, 15, 0) |
setTextSectionMargins() |
Margins around the text section (the area with the title and the text) | QMargins(0, 0, 15, 0) |
setCloseButtonMargins() |
Margins around the close button | QMargins(0, -8, 0, -8) |
This software is licensed under the MIT license.