Arduino based control system for soft robotic gripper using tactile sensors.
Developed for Master Thesis at Queen Mary University of London, August 2023
Set up Arduino UNO, sensors, and ICs as shown in the circuit diagram below.
Open tactile_control.ino
file within Arduino IDE.
This will also open all .h
and .cpp
files in the ./tactile_control
Ensure the Arduino board is connected via USB and the proper port is selected in the IDE.
Run the code
(All output is given through the Arduino serial monitor)
These test cases are desinged to be run using a Niryo NED robotic gripper. A description of each test is given below.
To run a test case simply uload the desired .xml
to the NED and start it using the Niryo IDE.
- Arm at rest in gripping position
- Gripper engages
- Arm raises vertically
- Arm remains elevated for 15 seconds
- Arm lowers and gripper disengages
- Arm at rest in gripping position
- Gripper engages
- Arm raises vertically and rotates gripper to point parallel to ground plane
- Gripper rotate from
$-90^\circ$ through to$90^\circ$ around central gripper axis - Arm returns to start position and gripper disengages
- Arm at rest in gripping position
- Gripper enages
- Arm raises vertically as in Test Case 1
- Arm remains elevated until test case is manually stopped
Test case 3 is intended to be used when applying an increasing load to the gripped object