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This solution has proven itself and is used as the main server MTPro.XYZ


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Erlang mtproto proxy

This part of code was extracted from @socksy_bot.


  • Promoted channels! See mtproto_proxy_app.src tag option.
  • "secure" randomized-packet-size protocol (34-symbol secrets starting with 'dd') to prevent detection by DPI
  • Secure-only mode (only allow connections with 'dd'-secrets). See allowed_protocols option.
  • Multiple ports with unique secret and promo tag for each port
  • Automatic configuration reload (no need for restarts once per day)
  • Most of the configuration options can be updated without service restart
  • Very high performance - can handle tens of thousands connections! Scales to all CPU cores.
  • Supports multiplexing (Many connections Client -> Proxy are wrapped to small amount of connections Proxy -> Telegram Server)
  • Small codebase compared to official one
  • A lots of metrics could be exported (optional)

How to start - docker

To run with default settings

docker run -d --network=host seriyps/mtproto-proxy

To run on single port with custom port, secret and ad-tag

docker run -d --network=host seriyps/mtproto-proxy -p 443 -s d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef -t dcbe8f1493fa4cd9ab300891c0b5b326

or via environmet variables

docker run -d --network=host -e MTP_PORT=443 -e MTP_SECRET=d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef -e MTP_TAG=dcbe8f1493fa4cd9ab300891c0b5b326 seriyps/mtproto-proxy


  • -p 443 / MTP_PORT proxy port
  • -s d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef / MTP_SECRET proxy secret (don't append dd! it should be 32 chars long!)
  • -t dcbe8f1493fa4cd9ab300891c0b5b326 / MTP_TAG ad-tag that you get from @MTProxybot

To run with custom config-file

  1. Get the code git clone && cd mtproto_proxy/
  2. Copy config templates cp config/{vm.args.example,prod-vm.args}; cp config/{sys.config.example,prod-sys.config}
  3. Edit configs. See Settings.
  4. Build docker build -t mtproto-proxy-erl .
  5. Start docker run -d --network=host mtproto-proxy-erl

Installation via docker can work well for small setups (10-20k connections), but for more heavily-loaded setups it's recommended to install proxy directly into your server's OS (see below).

How to start OS-install - quick

wget && dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade -y
apt install erlang-nox erlang-dev build-essential git curl htop sudo nginx -y
git clone
cd mtproto_proxy && cp config/vm.args.example config/prod-vm.args && cp config/sys.config.example config/prod-sys.config
nano config/prod-sys.config
make && make install && systemctl enable mtproto-proxy && systemctl start mtproto-proxy

How to start OS-install - detailed

Install deps (ubuntu 18.04)

sudo apt install erlang-nox erlang-dev build-essential

You need Erlang version 20 or higher! If your version is older, please, check Erlang solutions esl-erlang package or use kerl.

Get the code:

git clone
cd mtproto_proxy/

Create config file

see Settings.

Build and install

make && sudo make install

This will:

  • install proxy into /opt/mtp_proxy
  • create a system user
  • install systemd service
  • create a directory for logs in /var/log/mtproto-proxy
  • Configure ulimit of max open files and CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE by systemd

Try to start in foreground mode

This step is optional, but it can be usefull to test if everything works as expected


try to run ./ -h to learn some useful options.

Start in background and enable start on system start-up

sudo systemctl enable mtproto-proxy
sudo systemctl start mtproto-proxy

Done! Proxy is up and ready to serve now!

Stop / uninstall


sudo systemctl stop mtproto-proxy


sudo systemctl stop mtproto-proxy
sudo systemctl disable mtproto-proxy
sudo make uninstall

Logs can be found at



All possible documanted configuration options could be found in src/ Do not edit this file!

To change configuration, edit config/prod-sys.config:

Comments in this file start from %%. Default port is 1443 and default secret is d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef.

Secret key and proxy URL will be printed on start.

The easiest way to update config right now is to edit config/prod-sys.config and then re-install proxy by

sudo make uninstall && make && sudo make install

There are other ways as well. It's even possible to update configuration options without service restart / without downtime, but it's a bit trickier.

Change default port / secret / ad tag

To change default settings, change mtproto_proxy section of prod-sys.config as:

  %% see src/ for examples.
  %% DO NOT EDIT src/!!!
    [#{name => mtp_handler1,
       listen_ip => "",
       port => 1443,
       secret => <<"d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef">>,
       tag => <<"dcbe8f1493fa4cd9ab300891c0b5b326">>}


(so, remove %%s) and replace port / secret / tag with yours.

Listen on multiple ports / IPs

You can start proxy on many IP addresses or ports with different secrets/ad tags. To do so, just add more configs to ports section, separated by comma, eg:

  %% see src/ for examples.
  %% DO NOT EDIT src/!!!
    [#{name => mtp_handler_1,
       listen_ip => "",
       port => 1443,
       secret => <<"d0d6e111bada5511fcce9584deadbeef">>,
       tag => <<"dcbe8f1493fa4cd9ab300891c0b5b326">>},
     #{name => mtp_handler_2,
       listen_ip => "",
       port => 2443,
       secret => <<"100000000000000000000000000000001">>,
       tag => <<"cf8e6baff125ed5f661a761e69567711">>}


Each section should have unique name!

Only allow connections with 'dd'-secrets

It might be useful in Iran, where proxies are detected by DPI. You should disable all protocols other than mtp_secure by providing allowed_protocols option:

    {allowed_protocols, [mtp_secure]},
     [#{name => mtp_handler_1,

Swap file (recommended)

Example: 12G = 12 * 1024 = 12288M

fallocate -l 12288M /root/swapfile && chmod 600 /root/swapfile && mkswap /root/swapfile && swapon /root/swapfile

echo "/root/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab && reboot


Number of connections

/opt/mtp_proxy/bin/mtp_proxy eval 'lists:sum([proplists:get_value(all_connections, L) || {_, L} <- ranch:info()]).'


This solution has proven itself and is used as the main server MTPro.XYZ







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  • Erlang 97.6%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 1.2%