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A webpack based workflow to create frontend-assets.


  • Browser-Ready Javascript from ESNext-Modules
  • CSS-Generation from SCSS with autoprefixer
  • Icon-Font Generation from SVG files
  • Asset-Resolver and copier

Getting started

To use this workflow in your projects, install the package with npm or yarn

npm install @networkteam/frontend-scripts

Add BasePackageName and copy the scripts to your package.json:

  "basePackageName": "Customer.Base",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "npm run webpack",
    "build:dev": "npm run webpack:dev",
    "start": "npm run webpack:watch",
    "test": "npm run webpack:test",
    "test-watch": "npm run webpack:test-watch",
    "webpack": "networkteam-asset-build prod --basePackage $npm_package_basePackageName",
    "webpack:dev": "networkteam-asset-build dev --basePackage $npm_package_basePackageName",
    "webpack:watch": "networkteam-asset-build watch --basePackage $npm_package_basePackageName",
    "webpack:test": "networkteam-asset-build test --basePackage $npm_package_basePackageName",
    "webpack:test-watch": "networkteam-asset-build test-watch --basePackage $npm_package_basePackageName"

Webpack relies on four entry points to generate JS and CSS Assets:

  • header.js: %PROJECTROOT%/Resources/Private/Javascript/header.js
  • footer.js: %PROJECTROOT%/Resources/Private/Javascript/footer.js
  • main.css: %PROJECTROOT%/Resources/Private/Scss/main.scss
  • print.css: %PROJECTROOT%/Resources/Private/Scss/print.scss

Start the npm task:

npm start // file watcher with hot reload
npm run build:dev // Development build
npm run build // Production build
npm run test // Testing with code coverage recap
npm run test-watch // Run watcher for TDD

Note: Webpack generates a JS-File for every entry point including JS-Files. This will be improved in future Versions of webpack

The generated files will be copied to %PROJECTROOT%/Resources/Public/Dist including the assets used in CSS (e.g. bg-images or fonts). The paths for the CSS Assets are automatically corrected to the new path by webpack.

Using Aliases

This workflow automatically provides aliases for an easier import from different folders:

  • rootPath: The root folder of your project
  • baseJavascript: Javascript components from base package (%BASEROOT%/Resources/Private/Javascript)
  • baseStyles: Styles from basePackage (%BASEROOT%/Resources/Private/Scss use e.g ~baseStyles/main to import main.scss)
  • modernizr: Auto-Generated modernizr file (see below)

Icon Font

Every SVG-File located in %BASEROOT%/Resources/Private/Iconfont will be included in an automatically generated Icon-Font. The Font-Files will be stored in %BASEROOT%/Resources/Private/Fonts and a SCSS-File can be found in %BASEROOT%/Resources/Private/Scss/0_Base/Icons.scss. This SCSS-File already includes the @font-face rules, classes for the icons to add a before-Element with the icon (.icon-%FILENAME%) and also a mixin to use the icon on every element (@include icon(%FILENAME%)).

Add own configuration

If you need a special configuration for your Project, you can add a custom webpack.js to your project root. It will be included automatically:

module.exports = function(env, args) {
  return {
      output: {
          path: newOutputPath

Using modernizr

By default a modernizr custom build is generated with setclasses option and can be imported via

import Modernizr from 'modernizr'; // as named import
import 'modernizr'; // direct import

To extend the configuration and add tests and feature detections, create a .modernizrrc in your Project Root:

module.exports = {
  "feature-detects": [

See full configuration possibilities


For unit testing create a file ${your-filename}.test.js within your javascript folder. Webpack will watch for files within the javascript directory ending on *.test.js. Run your tests by simply start npm run test.

If you want to test with the BDD approach, you can start the script with npm run test-watch. This will reload the tests with every save.

We use chai as assertion and sinon as mocking library. Within the testing environment you have access to the following global variables:

  • chai
  • sinon
  • expect - the chai.expect
  • assert - the chai.assert
  • sandbox - the sinon.sandbox

You can also use window and document, as usual.

Here you get more information about Sinon and Chai - BDD


// Resources/Private/Javscript/Custom/Component/ComponentToTest.test.js

/*global describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, sandbox*/
import ComponentToTest from './ComponentToTest';

describe('ComponentToTest', () => {
  let component = null;
  beforeEach(done => {
    component = new ComponentToTest();
    // do some stuff before each testing step
    document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="myContainer"></<div>';

  afterEach(done => {
    // do some stuff after each testing step
    document.body.innerHTMl = '';

    describe('some tests with special attributes', () => {
      it('it should do something', done => {
        // do something with <component>

        // do some expectations concerning <component>.


Toolchain to build frontend assets






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  • JavaScript 96.9%
  • Shell 3.1%