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Nim for Java programmers

hlaaftana edited this page May 1, 2020 · 11 revisions

Unofficial, work in progress! This is still a stub. Please help extending it. There may be inaccuracies in this guide. The guide assumes some intermediate knowledge.

The general tutorials can be found here:

The manual provides an overview of the language:



Feature Java Nim
Compilation JVM bytecode C/C++/Obj-C/JS source
Paradigms class-based, object-oriented procedural, compile-time
Metaprogramming reflection, annotations macros, templates, generics
Memory management Garbage collected Multiple strategies: garbage collected, manual, automatic, traced and untraced pointers
Package manager Ant + Ivy, Maven Nimble
Library format .jar binaries Source code, unused code is not included in binary (dead code elimination), can also compile to a shared library
IDE support Eclipse, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, almost universally supported Most of the community uses VS Code, see editor support


Feature Java Nim
Comments // single line, /* multiline */ (nestable) # single line, #[multiline]# (nestable)
Blocks Uses curly braces Uses indents like Python, another option is statement list expression
Operators Predefined set of symbols, 1+-1 easily parsed as 1 + (-1), no overloading Custom operators, overloading, subscripts, curly subscripts a{b}, experimental call and dot operators, first character based precedence, strong spaces when using command call syntax and prefix operators
If/else statement if (a) { foo(); } else { bar(); } if a: foo() else: bar()
If/else expression a ? b : c if a: b else: c
Switch/case expression/statement switch (a) { case b -> c } case a
of b: c
Return statements return x; Multiple options: implicit return at the end of a proc, result variable, explicit return statement
Try/catch/finally try { foo(); } catch (Exception ex) { bar(); } finally { baz(); } try: foo() except Exception as ex: bar() finally: bar(), also possible to omit as ex or Exception as ex
Throw exception throw ex; raise ex, raise reraises last exception
Discarding method return values foo(); is a valid statement if foo() returns a value foo() is not a valid statement if foo() returns a value, you have to use the discard statement.
Procedures/methods Defined in classes, static methods are qualified like ClassName.staticMethod(arg1, arg2), instance methods are called like obj.method(arg1, arg2). Instance methods are polymorphic on the instance. Defined in modules, order of declaration is important, forward declaration is sometimes needed. UFCS: foo(a) is the same as and even Multimethods are optional and polymorphic on all arguments.
String literals "str", """str""" as of Java 13 "str", """str""", foo"str" (raw string literals)
Collection literals new int[] {1, 2, 3} array: [1, 2, 3], seq: @[1, 2, 3], bitset: {1, 2, 3}, tuple: (1, 2, 3), table constructor
Introduce new lexical scope {}, label: {}, can't break (?) block:, block label:, can break with break label
Increment i++ Uses inc proc, inc i

Language semantics

Feature Java Nim
Namespacing & importing public/private/package-scope modifiers, can import: single classes or all classes from a package, single or all static members from a class export/* postfix based, can import: exported symbols from modules with import mod, only import specific symbols from a module with from mod import foo, bar, force all symbols from a module to be qualified with from mod import nil, don't import specific symbols from a module with import mod except foo, bar, can alias imports for both symbols and modules with import mod as m. include file is also possible, embeds source files inside modules
Typeclasses Interfaces Experimental concepts, intersection/union types, openarray, range
Generics Erased and for reference types (subject to change with Project Valhalla, uses angle brackets like C++ Similar in implementation to C++ templates but uses square brackets like Scala
Variance in generics ? extends T/? super T, generics invariant by default out T/in T, experimental, generics invariant by default
Dependent types No Yes
Type aliases None type Foo = Bar
Type inference var type for locals, diamond operator, lambda inference let/const/var don't need type annotation if initialized, routine generics can be inferred from arguments, auto return type. No inference for anonymous procs (though generic anonymous procs are automatically specialized so you can use auto params) or object constructor generics. Empty collections (@[], [], {}) need type annotation
Effect/exception tracking Forced explicit checked exceptions with throws Inferred effect & exception tracking, can be explicitly written with raises and tags pragmas
FFI with C JNI Compiles to C, only needs some pragmas
Immutability final, getter and setter encapsulation let, getter and setter encapsulation, enforced by let for value types
Function pointers Need seperate classes extending functional interfaces, have to define a new functional interface per function signature Procs can be referenced directly, proc types are structural
Named, order agnostic parameters No Yes
Default parameters No Yes
Varargs Yes Yes, can also use a transformation proc
Constructor overloading Yes, public Obj() {} No, convention is to use proc newObj(): Obj
Destructors finalize(), discouraged, try with resources/Closable is preferred =destroy, withFoo templates/defer: can be used to emulate Closable behaviour
Null checking Boolean check is x == null. Dereferencing null is NullPointerException, no compile-time mechanisms except Java EE @NotNull, other JVM languages have better null semantics and nullable types, Optional<T> Boolean check is isNil(x). Dereferencing nil is a segmentation fault with --nilchecks:off, experimental not nil annotation, Option[T] in options module
Exceptions Exception and Error implement Throwable, Error isn't supposed to be caught CatchableError and Defect extend Exception, Defect isn't supposed to be caught

Data types

Feature Java Nim
Number types Signed integers of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits (8 and 16 bits are actually 32 bits in bytecode), floats of 32 and 64 bits Unsigned and signed integers with bitsize in type name e.g. int32, int has platform-dependent size, float is always float64, compatibility types like cint available and use C defined types.
Boolean type boolean, one of true or false, 32 bit integer bool, enum of true or false, 8 bit integer
Char type char, 32-bit integer, treated as unsigned 16-bit integer char, unsigned 8 bit integer, cchar and cuchar, cschar types for compatibilty with C
Enums Implemented as ordered singleton instances of a class 8 or 16 bit enumerations like C, can be used as array indices
Strings Immutable wrapper around char[]. Concatenated with + Similar to seq[char], mutable and growable, compatible with openarray[char]. Concatenated with &, but you can do var x = "abc"; x.add("def"). ref string is essentially StringBuilder
Collection types Variable-length arrays in the core language, List, Set, Map interfaces in the standard library array[I, T] where I is a compile time integer or range type, UncheckedArray[T], seq[T], Pascal-style bitset type set[T], slice type with a..b, tuples and named tuples, standard library: tables, sets and more
Structured types Classes, reference type with extra data Objects, nominal value type with optional inheritance, have no extra data without inheritance, named tuples have no inheritance but are structurally typed instead of nominal, any type can be made a reference or pointer (traced or untraced pointer)
Tagged unions No, inheritance is used instead, enums can implement abstract methods/interfaces, Scala/Kotlin use sealed types Object variants like Pascal and Ada
Pointer access Incubating foreign memory access API Yes, dereference operator is foo[], pointer arithmetic needs casting to uint


Feature Java Nim
Style guide Last one by Oracle from 1999, Google style guide, Twitter style guide NEP-1
Doc comments /// foo, /** line1<newline> * line2<newline> */, HTML formatted ## foo, ##[lines here don't matter]##, RST formatted
Doc generator javadoc nim doc
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