This repository contains source codes for DongLand which is a Persian implementation of Splitwise, a web application in which users can manage their shared expenses and keeps track of them.
This project has been developed as CE40418 (System Analysis & Design) course project, Spring 2021. Some features of this implementation are different from Splitwise custom design, since the Persian Project's Definition was different.
Minimum Cash Flow Algorithm is also implemented.
Open terminal and write following command:
git clone
cd Splitwise
for installing requirements, write following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then insert these following commands to connect database and build models
python makemigrations
python migrate
At the end, for running the project, insert this command
python runserver
Users Can be sign up/ login in to our system
Users can invite thier contacts in the system by email
Users can add Expense in the System with multiple contacts
Users can create groups and can add group expense with the group members
System's administrator has access to see balance report of all users
System can show balance report of particular User
System can show balance report of all and particular group
Users can see and edit their Profile
Users can set and edit details of expenses including images, location and date
Group's owner can remove members of group
System's administrator can remove Users
Responsive design has been considered and implemented
High security and Use best practice to write API
- Django
- Bootstrap
Nima Jamali
- GitHub: @nimajam41
- LinkedIn: Nima Jamali
Alireza Daghigh
- GitHub: @alirezadaghigh99
Ali Ghorbanpour
- GitHub: @aliiiqbp
- LinkedIn: Ali Ghorbanpour
This project is available thanks to all contributors.