Aquacheck SDI12 Soil moisture sensor | Logger | Parser
The examples are provided to demonstrate how easy it is to communicate with Aquacheck soil moisture probes.
The examples are based on EnviroDIY library. You have to install EnviroDIY library before using these examples. Looking for more examples? Head over to the library repository.
A copy of a EnviroDIY library is also provided here, as a backup.
Since the library has conflicts with SoftwareSerial library, some workarounds are provided in this topic. Based on that, I made a clone of SoftwareSerial library that you can easily install next to original SoftwareSerial library. Although, you have to modify PCINT Request Vectors in both SoftwareSerial library and SDI-12 library based on your request. For my work, data pin defined as D13 and SoftwareSerial pins as D5 & D6, no change is required. To know mapping of PCINT Request Vectors, refer to this page or have a look at following quick-hint.
- D0 to D7 ::: PCINT2_vect
- D8 to D13 ::: PCINT0_vect
- A0 to A5 ::: PCINT1_vect
For ATMEGA328P, in "PCICR – Pin Change Interrupt Control Register" section, datasheet page 56. Then, finding mapping of PCINTxx pins with pinout of MCU, datasheet page 3, and Arduino pin mapping.