The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It encourages people to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This technique helps boost productivity by improving focus and preventing burnout. The name "Pomodoro" (Italian for tomato) comes from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used during his university days.
This Pomodoro Timer offers a simple, intuitive interface to help you practice the Pomodoro Technique effectively. It includes three timers:
- Focus Timer: 25 minutes of uninterrupted work.
- Short Break Timer: 5 minutes of rest after each focus session.
- Long Break Timer: 15 minutes of rest after completing four focus sessions.
- Focus Timer: A 25-minute timer to help you stay focused on your tasks.
- Short Break Timer: A 5-minute break to relax after each focus session.
- Long Break Timer: A 15-minute break after every four focus sessions.
- Responsive design that works on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Minimalist and clean UI built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- HTML: Structure and content of the webpage.
- CSS: Styling the webpage to make it visually appealing.
- JavaScript: Timer functionality, including start, pause, and reset actions.