learning plan generator with Ebbinghaus theory
爱盼资源导航:一款简约的导航网站程序,free forever ~
💡 Use Docker Compose to deploy Xiaoya services in a more elegant way, supports one-click deployment of Alist + Emby + Jellyfin, full-platform support, Linux/Windows/Mac/Synology, X86/Arm architecture
AList proxy server for TvBox, support playlist and search.
服务器资源占用脚本(甲骨文服务器保活脚本)(Oracle Server Keep Alive Script)
Making Docker Your Productivity Tool - 让 Docker 成为你的生产力工具
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer
Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
跨平台视频提取工具:支持流媒体下载、视频下载、m3u8 下载及 B站视频下载,提供 Windows 和 Mac 桌面客户端。Cross-platform video extraction tool: Supports streaming download, video download, m3u8 download, and Bilibili video download, with des…
为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
A ready-to-go translation ocr tool developed with WPF/WPF 开发的一款即用即走的翻译、OCR工具
A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀
Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
hzyitc / armbian-onecloud
Forked from armbian/buildArmbian for onecloud. 玩客云用armbian