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React Native Router react-native-router-flux Join the chat at Codacy Badge npm version

Router for React Native based on new React Native Navigation API.


  • Define your scenes transitions in one central location
  • Use simple syntax to call transitions anywhere in your code (e.g. Actions.login())
  • Eliminates the need to pass navigator objects to your screens
  • (new) Ability to show/hide navigation bar as well as customize it for each scene or even different state of scene (Edit/Save navbar for edit mode, for example)
  • Support for managing a tab bar, using react-native-tabs (see demo)
  • Support for nested navigators. For example, each tab can have its own navigator, nested in a root navigator.
  • (new) Ability to add own custom scene renderers for action sheet, native TabBarIOS or anything else, see built-in Modal renderer (to display popups) as example. Feel free to submit PR with custom renderers for ActionSheet, Drawer, etc. Let's make awesome library!
  • (new) Dynamically choose scene to render depending from application state (Switch renderer, useful for authentication)
  • (new) Possibility to use own reducer for navigation state.
  • (new) Add action reset to clear the entire history stack. Prevents going 'back'.

IMPORTANT! Breaking changes comparing with 2.x version:

  • React Native 0.22 is required
  • Router is root container now and should not be nested. For nested scenes you should use Scene element
  • Route became Scene, now unique key attribute is required for each scene (it was name attribute before)
  • Define all your scenes on top-level, not within Router as before (see Example)
  • No Schema element is supported for now (for simplicity), maybe later it could be added
  • No ActionSheet support
  • Custom scene renderers are used instead of 'custom' types (like 'modal'), so 'modal' scenes are pushed as usual, but custom renderer will render them as popup. No dismiss, just usual pop to close such popups.
  • No old navigator.sceneConfig support (instead the component uses React Native NavigationAnimatedView for better transitions)
  • No onPush/onPop/etc handlers because they are not needed now. If navigation state is changed, container will be re-rendered with changed navigationState property, see Modal as Example.
  • No header/footer properties are supported for Scene currently - you may include them into Scene component.


npm i react-native-router-flux --save


  1. In top-level index.js, define your scenes using Scene element and pass it to Router:
import {Actions, Scene, Router} from 'react-native-router-flux';

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Router>
            <Scene key="root">
                <Scene key="login" component={Login} title="Login"/>
                <Scene key="register" component={Register} title="Register"/>
                <Scene key="home" component={Home}/>

Alternatively you could define all your scenes during compile time and use it later within Router:

const scenes = Actions.create(
            <Scene key="root">
                <Scene key="login" component={Login} title="Login"/>
                <Scene key="register" component={Register} title="Register"/>
                <Scene key="home" component={Home}/>
class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Router scenes={scenes}/>
  1. In any app screen:
    • import {Actions} from 'react-native-router-flux'
    • Actions.ACTION_NAME(PARAMS) will call appropriate action and params will be passed to the scene.
    • Actions.pop() will pop the current screen.
    • Actions.refresh(PARAMS) will update the properties of current screen.

Available imports

  • Router
  • Scene
  • Modal
  • TabBar
  • getInitialState
  • Reducer
  • DefaultRenderer
  • Switch
  • Actions


Property Type Default Description
reducer function optional user-defined reducer for scenes, you may want to use it to intercept all actions and put your custom logic
createReducer function function that returns a reducer function for {initialState, scenes} param, you may wrap Reducer(param) with your custom reducer, check Flux usage section below
other props all properties that will be passed to all your scenes
children required (if no scenes property passed) Scene root element
scenes object optional scenes for Router created with Actions.create. This will allow to create all actions BEFORE React processing. If you don't need it you may pass Scene root element as children
Property Type Default Description
key string required Will be used to call screen transition, for example, Must be unique.
component React.Component semi-required The Component to be displayed. Not required when defining a nested Scene, see example. If it is defined for 'container' scene, it will be used as custom container renderer
type string 'push' or 'jump' Defines how the new screen is added to the navigator stack. One of push, jump, replace, reset. If parent container is tabbar (tabs=true), jump will be automatically set.
tabs bool false Defines 'TabBar' scene container, so child scenes will be displayed as 'tabs'. If no component is defined, built-in TabBar is used as renderer. All child scenes are wrapped into own navbar.
initial bool false Set to true if this is the initial scene
duration number 250 Duration of transition (in ms)
direction string 'horizontal' direction of animation horizontal/vertical
title string null The title to be displayed in the navigation bar
navBar React.Component optional custom NavBar for the scene. Check built-in NavBar of the component for reference
hideNavBar bool false hides navigation bar for this scene
hideTabBar bool false hides tab bar for this scene (if built-in TabBar component is used as parent renderer)
navigationBarStyle View style optional style override for the navigation bar
titleStyle Text style optional style override for the title element
leftTitle string optional string to display on the left if the previous route does not provide renderBackButton prop. renderBackButton > leftTitle > <previous route's title>
renderLeftButton Closure optional closure to render the left title / buttons element
drawerImage Image './menu_burger.png' Simple way to override the drawerImage in the navBar
backButtonImage Image './back_chevron.png' Simple way to override the back button in the navBar
backTitle string optional string to display with back button
backButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the back title element
renderBackButton Closure optional closure to render back text or button if this route happens to be the previous route
leftButtonStyle View style optional style override for the container of left title / buttons
leftButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the left title element
onLeft Closure function will be called when left navBar button is pressed
rightTitle string optional string to display on the right. onRight must be provided for this to appear.
onRight Closure function will be called when right navBar button is pressed
renderRightButton Closure optional closure to render the right title / buttons element
rightButtonStyle View style optional style override for the container of right title / buttons
rightButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the right title element
clone bool Scenes marked with clone will be treated as templates and cloned into the current scene's parent when pushed. See example.
tabBarStyle View style optional style override for the Tabs component
other props all properties that will be passed to your component instance



import React, {AppRegistry, Navigator, StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native'
import Launch from './components/Launch'
import Register from './components/Register'
import Login from './components/Login'
import Login2 from './components/Login2'
import {Scene, Router, TabBar, Modal, Schema, Actions, Reducer} from 'react-native-router-flux'
import Error from './components/Error'
import Home from './components/Home'
import TabView from './components/TabView'

class TabIcon extends React.Component {
        return (
            <Text style={{color: this.props.selected ? 'red' :'black'}}>{this.props.title}</Text>

const reducerCreate = params=>{
    const defaultReducer = Reducer(params);
    return (state, action)=>{
        console.log("ACTION:", action);
        return defaultReducer(state, action);

export default class Example extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Router createReducer={reducerCreate} sceneStyle={{backgroundColor:'#F7F7F7'}}>
            <Scene key="modal" component={Modal} >
                <Scene key="root" hideNavBar={true}>
                    <Scene key="register" component={Register} title="Register"/>
                    <Scene key="register2" component={Register} title="Register2" duration={1}/>
                    <Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Replace" type="replace"/>
                    <Scene key="launch" component={Launch} title="Launch" initial={true} style={{flex:1, backgroundColor:'transparent'}}/>
                    <Scene key="login" direction="vertical">
                        <Scene key="loginModal" component={Login} schema="modal" title="Login"/>
                        <Scene key="loginModal2" hideNavBar={true} component={Login2} title="Login2"/>
                    <Scene key="tabbar" tabs={true} default="tab2" >
                        <Scene key="tab1"  title="Tab #1" icon={TabIcon} navigationBarStyle={{backgroundColor:'red'}} titleStyle={{color:'white'}}>
                            <Scene key="tab1_1" component={TabView} title="Tab #1_1" onRight={()=>alert("Right button")} rightTitle="Right" />
                            <Scene key="tab1_2" component={TabView} title="Tab #1_2" titleStyle={{color:'black'}}/>
                        <Scene key="tab2" initial={true} title="Tab #2" icon={TabIcon}>
                            <Scene key="tab2_1" component={TabView} title="Tab #2_1" onLeft={()=>alert("Left button!")} leftTitle="Left"/>
                            <Scene key="tab2_2" component={TabView} title="Tab #2_2"/>
                        <Scene key="tab3" component={TabView} title="Tab #3" hideTabBar={true} icon={TabIcon}/>
                        <Scene key="tab4" component={TabView} title="Tab #4" hideNavBar={true} icon={TabIcon}/>
                        <Scene key="tab5" component={TabView} title="Tab #5" icon={TabIcon} />
                <Scene key="error" component={Error}/>

components/Launch.js (initial screen)

import React, {View, Text, StyleSheet, TouchableHighlight} from 'react-native'
import Button from 'react-native-button'
import {Actions} from 'react-native-router-flux'

class Launch extends React.Component {
        return (
            <View style={styles.container}>
                <Text>Launch page</Text>
                <Button onPress={()=>Actions.login({data:"Custom data", title:'Custom title' })}>Go to Login page</Button>
                <Button onPress={Actions.register}>Go to Register page</Button>
                <Button onPress={Actions.register2}>Go to Register page without animation</Button>
                <Button onPress={Actions.error('error message')}>Show error popup</Button>
                <Button onPress={Actions.tabbar}>Go to TabBar page</Button>

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        alignItems: 'center',
        backgroundColor: 'transparent',

module.exports = Launch;


To display a modal use Modal as root renderer, so it will render first element as normal scene and all others as popups (when they are pushed), see Example for more details.


This component doesn't depend from any redux/flux library. It uses new React Native Navigation API and provide own reducer for its navigation state. You may provide own one if you need. To avoid creation of initial state, you may pass reducer creator. Example to print all actions:

// remember to add the 'Reducer' to your imports along with Router, Scene, ... like so
// import { Reducer } from 'react-native-router-flux'
const reducerCreate = params=>{
    const defaultReducer = Reducer(params);
    return (state, action)=>{
        console.log("ACTION:", action);
        return defaultReducer(state, action);

// within  your App render() method
return <Router scenes={scenes} createReducer={reducerCreate} />;

Custom nav bar for individual scene or even different state of scene (new feature):

Your scene component class could implement static renderNavigationBar(props) method that could return different navbar depending from component props

Switch (new feature)

New feature for 3.x release is custom scene renderer that should be used together with tabs={true} property. It allows to select tab scene to show depending from app state. It could be useful for authentication, restricted scenes, etc. Usually you should wrap Switch with redux connect to pass application state to it: Following example chooses scene depending from sessionID using Redux:

        <Scene key="root" component={connect(state=>({profile:state.profile}))(Switch)} tabs={true}
               selector={props=>props.profile.sessionID ? "main" : "signUp"}>
            <Scene key="signUp" component={SignUp}/>
            <Scene key="main" component={Main}>

Drawer (side menu) integration

Example of Drawer custom renderer based on react-native-drawer. Note that the build-in NavBar component supports toggling of drawer. The Drawer implementation just needs to have a function: toggle();

import React from 'react-native';
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer';
import SideMenu from './SideMenu';
import {DefaultRenderer} from 'react-native-router-flux';

export default class extends Component {
        const children = this.props.navigationState.children;
        return (
                content={<TabView />}
                tweenHandler={(ratio) => ({
                 main: { opacity:Math.max(0.54,1-ratio) }
                <DefaultRenderer navigationState={children[0]} />

/// then wrap your tabs scene with Drawer:
            <Scene key="drawer" component={Drawer}>
                <Scene key="main" tabs={true} >


Thanks to all who submitted PRs to 2.x release. If you like the component and want to support it, feel free to donate any amount or help with issues.


React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API







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  • JavaScript 89.2%
  • Objective-C 9.0%
  • Java 1.8%