This cryptocurrency is implemented on BlockChain in python. Flask framework is used for building web applications. Postman used to make requests.
- You can make transactions between nodes.
- Consensus Protocol is achieved.
- Mine a new block and get rewarded with some Perks.
- Get full blockchain transactions till date.
First of all start 3 different nodes on different ports i.e. 5001, 5002 and 5003.
Initialize all nodes with a genesis block using GET request on function "get_chain()".
Repeat the same process for all the other 2 nodes.
Connect all the nodes together using POST request with specified json format on function "connect_node()".
- After all nodes are connected, we start mining the blocks using function "mine_node()". You will receive an award of 10 perks once block is successfully mined.
- Now fetch the latest chain with new mined block using GET request on function "get_chain()".
- In this step, replace the chain with latest chain on port 5002. We achieve this using "replace_chain()" method.
Repeat the same step on port 5003 in order to achieve the consensus on all the 3 different nodes.
Now we will transfer 100 perks from node 5001 to 5002 by adding a transaction using POST method on "add_transaction()". Add the sender details, receiver details and amount to transfer using json format.
- Again mine this transaction in order to add this in the chain.
- Now fetch this updated chain on node 5001 using "get_chain()" method.
- Now if we call "replace_chain()" again it will result in the same output as we have the most updated chain.