SDK for Khalti Android App
Add the following line to dependency
section in build.gradle
compile 'com.khalti:khalti-android:1.1.0'
It is recommended that you update your support libraries to the latest version. However, if you're unable to update the libraries add the following line instead.
compile ('com.khalti:khalti-android:1.1.0') {
transitive = true
Note : We recommend you to use the latest version of Build tools
and Support libraries
for maximum compatibility.
In order to build and run this project, please use Android Studio 3
and please note that the minimum Build tools
and Support libraries
version should be 26
compileSdkVersion 26
buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'
compile ''
In order to add support library 26, add the Google's maven url in build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "" }
You can add it to your xml layout
Or, use it in Java
KhaltiButton khaltiButton = new KhaltiButton();
Configure Khalti Checkout by passing an instance of Config class
When instantiating Config class pass public key, product id, product name, product web url, amount (in paisa) and a new instance of OnCheckOutListener.
Config config = new Config("Public Key", "Product ID", "Product Name", "Product Url", amount, new OnCheckOutListener() {
public void onSuccess(HashMap<String, Object> data) {
Log.i("Payment confirmed", data+"");
public void onError(String action, String message) {
Log.i(action, message);
Additionally, Config class also accepts a HashMap parameter which you can use to pass any additional data. Make sure you add a merchant_
prefix in your map key.
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("merchant_extra", "This is extra data");
Config config = new Config("Public Key", "Product ID", "Product Name", "Product Url", amount, map, new OnCheckOutListener() {
public void onSuccess(HashMap<String, Object> data) {
Log.i("Payment confirmed", data);
public void onError(String action, String message) {
Log.i(action, message);
Finally set your config in your KhaltiButton.
Check out the documentation for further details.