JaMoveo is a real-time collaborative music web application that allows an admin to select a song with lyrics and chords, and players (musicians and vocalists) to follow along live. The app is optimized for real-time synchronization, multi-device accessibility, and responsive design.
- Frontend: https://jamoveo.vercel.app
- Backend: Hosted on Railway
- API Base URL: https://jamoveo-production-7ad2.up.railway.app
- Search for songs and select one for the session.
- Broadcast lyrics and chords in real-time to all connected players.
- Quit session and return all players to the main menu.
- Join a session and view selected song lyrics & chords.
- Auto-scroll feature for hands-free navigation.
- Vocals Mode: Hides chords for vocalists, showing only lyrics.
- Uses WebSockets to synchronize song selection and updates across all users.
- Ensures low latency communication between the admin and players.
- React.js - UI framework
- React Router - Navigation
- Axios - API requests
- WebSockets - Real-time updates
- Vercel - Deployment
- FastAPI - API framework
- Uvicorn - ASGI server
- SQLite - Database
- Railway - Deployment
- CORS Middleware - API security
- bcrypt - Password hashing
Method | Endpoint | Description |
/signup/ |
User/admin Signup |
/login/ |
User Login |
/search/ |
Search Songs |
/choose-song/ |
Admin selects a song |
WS |
/ws/ |
WebSocket connection |
Developed by Nir Peretz as part of the Moveo Coding Task.