A foaming classification system
- You can view images from the reactor run
- You have the ability to mark them as foaming or not.
- Your decisions are stored for the next time I use the app.
- You can filter by foaming, non-foaming and unclassified / all images.
- Pagination has been incorporated to allow 50 images on each page.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/nisaChampagne/SWE-Foam-Take-Home----Nisa.git
AWS_ACCESS_KEY={aws access key}
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={aws secret key}
REGION={aws region}
BUCKET={aws bucket}
MONGODBATLAS_URL={mongodb atlas url}
Install dependencies
npm i
Start the server
cd server
node index.js
Go to the project directory and start the react app
npm start