What started as a test project for learning Material Designing in JavaFX has turned up being a full fledged Library Management System.
- One-click database export.
- Notify overdue via email.
- Rich text email notification content.
- AES Encryption for Mail Server Configuration - AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
Username: admin
Password: admin
- JFoenix - JavaFX Material Design Library
- Apache Derby - Standalone Relational database
- Apache Commons - For creating SHA hash
- GSon - JSON Library. Used for storing configuration
- FontawesomeFX - Icon library
- Apache PDFBox - PDF Export
- JavaMail API - Email Notification
- Enable unsafe email clients in Google account security settings before using your Gmail account to send email.
- Currently no other issues are known. Feel free to notify ,if you find one :)
Pull requests are welcomed!