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Standard Names

heralex edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 1 revision

The table below shows our preliminary list of standard variable names.

CSDMS Standard Name Unit temporal resolution description comment Assumption
atmosphere__precipitation_volume_flux ? mm/hr/m2 Total precipitation amount over time step and per unit area
atmosphere_snow__precipitation_volume_flux ? mm/hr/m2 Total precipitation amount falling in solid form over time step and per unit area (eq to kg/hr/m2)
atmosphere_water__10-year_average_precipitation_volume_flux mm/yr ? 10 year average precipitation
atmosphere_water__precipitation_volume_flux mm daily sub-basin precipitation per timestep
basin__area ? m2 area should this rather refer to ecotopes?
basin__REC-segment_code ? ? sub-basin ID ID as 8 character string
basin_centroid__latitude ? dd.dddd latitude of a given basin's centroid should this rather refer to ecotopes? basin_* refers to a REC segment
basin_centroid__longitude ? dd.dddd longitude of a given basin's centroid should this rather refer to ecotopes?
basin_outlet_water__volume_flow_rate ? m3/s Outlet channel discharge we've got channel_water__volume_flow_rate - is this different?
channel__mean_of_elevation ? masl mean channel elevation elevation refers to the bottom of the channel (?); channel_* refers to a REC segment
channel__mean_of_slope ? % mean channel slope slope of the bottom of the channel (?)
channel__mean_of_width ? m mean channel width width at a specific water level?
channel_entrance_center__elevation ? masl Channel bottom elevation for the start of the reach
channel_entrance_center__latitude ? dd.dddd latitude at centre of channel entrance (i.e. start of the section)
channel_entrance_center__longitude ? dd.dddd longitude at centre of channel entrance (i.e. start of the section(
channel_exit_center__elevation ? masl Channel bottom elevation for the end of the reach channel_*__elevation refers to the bottom of the channel
channel_exit_center__latitude degrees dd.dddd latitude at centre of channel exit (i.e. end of the section) channel_* refers to an individual REC segment
channel_exit_center__longitude degrees dd.dddd longitude at centre of channel exit (i.e. start of the section)
channel_nitrogen__concentration g/m3? annual mean annual N concentration in reach units correct? SI units are kg/m³. No temporal resolution is required.
channel_nitrogen__mass_flow_rate t/yr? annual mean annual N load in reach units correct?
channel_NZ-reach_code ? [-] NZ reach identifier specific to each Digital River network should this rather refer to REC segments?
channel_phosphorous__concentration ? ? mean annual P concentration in reach
channel_water__abstraction_volume_flow_rate m3/s daily river flow abstraction
channel_water__volume_flow_rate m3/s hourly routed reach flow
channel_water_flow__end_time ? ? end date of subbasin flow time series date format not specified (ISO?)
channel_water_flow__start_time unit? ? start date of subbasin flow time series date format not specified (ISO?)
channel_water~outgoing__volume_flow_rate L3/T daily surfacewater groundwater flux
channel_water~outgoing__volume_flux m/s annual mean annual flow loss to GW change units from m3/s to m/s
ecotope__area m2 ? ecotope area "ecotope_* ecotope refers to the unique combination of land use
ecotope__slope % ? average slope of a given ecotope
ecotope~irrigated__area_fraction ? ? proportion of irrigated area within a given ecotope
industry__water-take_volume_flow_rate ? m3/day Need metered data (surf or groundwater)
land_surface__irrigation_volume_flow_rate ? mm/hr/m2 "Provided by Luci (soil demand) either met by SW or GW with SW first "
crop__yield t/ha daily yield of the given unit?
land_surface_water__actual-evapotranspiration-to-potential-evapotranspiration_ratio [-] [-] ratio of actual ET over potential ET
land_surface_water__evaporation_volume_flux mm daily Luci catchment scale evaporation does this refer to ecotopes?
land_surface_water__potential_evapotranspiration_volume_flux mm daily sub-basin potential evapotranspiration
land_surface_water__runoff_volume_flow_rate m3/s daily ecotope overlandflow
land_surface_water_nitrogen~outgoing__mass_flux t/yr annual mean annual surface loading
land_surface_water_point-source_nitrogen~outgoing__mass_flux t/yr annual mean annual loading from point sources
model_climate-type__code ? ? climate type identifier (Id)
model_land-use-type__code ? ? land use type ID
model_soil_layer__count ? ? number of soil horizons
model_soil_layer~0__thickness mm ? depth of soil horizon
model_soil_layer~0_water__available_volume_fraction ? ? plant available water fraction for soil horizon
model_soil_layer~0_water__drainable_volume_fraction ? ? drainable water fraction for soil horizon
model_soil_water_sat-zone__code ? ? Identifier of Luci groundwater store for area not covered by Modflow
model_soil_water_sat-zone__volume ? m3 Luci groundwater maximum storage
model_soil_water_sat-zone_centroid__latitude ? ? Centroid luci groundwater system for area not covered by modflow "I'm not happy with those names; Also a coordinate at a given point might be ambiguous if we want to characterise the perimeter of an area. Maybe we should include MODFLOW coverage as input layer into the ecotopes and than use a binary code to indicate where MODLFOW data is available; a possible name could be: model_MODFLOW~available__code "
model_soil_water_sat-zone_centroid__longitude ? ?
model_soil-type__code ? ? soil type identifier (id)
reservoir_water~incoming__volume_fraction ? ? proportion routed to reservoirs (per horizon?) must sum to 1; applies to bottom 3 horizons?
soil_anion__storage_capacity % ? anion storage capacity in the soil
soil_water_sat-zone__abstraction_volume_flow_rate L3/T daily groundwater abstraction rate
soil_water_sat-zone__initial_nitrogen_concentration M/L3 daily initial groundwater N concentration
soil_water_sat-zone__initial_phosphorous_concentration M/L3 daily initial groundwater P concentration
soil_water_sat-zone__nitrogen_concentration M/L3 daily simulated N concentration in groundwater
soil_water_sat-zone__nitrogen_mass_flux M/T daily groundwater N loading rate
soil_water_sat-zone__phosphorous_concentration M/L3 daily simulated P concentration in groundwater
soil_water_sat-zone__phosphorous_mass_flux M/T daily groundwater P loading rate
soil_water_sat-zone__residence_time days ? residence time of groundwater flow in soil
soil_water_sat-zone__volume_flux L3/T daily groundwater_flux "this is too generic there a fluxes to/from surface water and soil water"
soil_water_sat-zone__volume_fraction m3 Luci groundwater storage estimation
soil_water_sat-zone_nitrogen~outgoing__mass_flux kg/ha/yr annual N loss from soil root zone
soil_water_sat-zone_phosphorous~outgoing__mass_flux kg/ha/yr annual P loss from soil root zone
soil_water_sat-zone_top__depth L daily water table depth
soil_water_sat-zone_top__initial_depth L daily initial groundwater level
soil_water_sat-zone_top__recharge_volume_flux L/T daily ecotope groundwater recharge "ecotope = union of land use soil
soil_water_stat-zone__runoff_volume_flow_rate ? m3/s Modflow groundwater discharge (positive or negative) to the stream (reach volume)
soil_water_unsat-zone__difference_of_60-percent_available_volume_fraction_and_wilting-point_volume_fraction ? mm/m2 Luci catchment scale soil water demand between 60% PAW and wilting point preliminary - need further thinking
soil_water_unsat-zone__difference_of_field_capacity_content_and_volume_fraction ? mm/m2 Luci catchment scale soil moisture deficit (not cumulative) preliminary - need further thinking
soil_water_unsat-zone__residence_time days ? residence time of interflow in soil
soil_water_unsat-zone__runoff_volume_flow_rate m3/s daily ecotope interflow
soil_water_unsat-zone__volume_fraction ? mm/m2 Luci catchment scale soil moisture does this refer to ecotopes?
soil_water~plant-available_unsat-zone__volume ? mm catchment scale plant available model does this refer to a REC basin or our ecotopes?
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