Here are some plugins that are written for Gajim by the community. Report problems about those plugins here.
There are several ways to install a plugin:
You can browse / download / enable / configure plugins in Gajim, Edit menu -> Plugins.
You can clone the repository directly from here and copy it to
Linux: ~/.local/share/gajim/plugins/
Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Gajim\Plugins
You have written a new plugin or want to improve an already existing one?
First, Thanks for that! Here is how to do that:
- Register an account here
- Tell us about your plans at [email protected] (we need to set your permission on Gitlab)
- Fork the Gajim-Plugins repository
- When you are finished make a pull request against the main repository
Before you put in any work, please contact us on [email protected]
Dont use for any projects that are not directly for the benefit of Gajim
- AntiSpamPlugin Block some incoming messages
- AppindicatorSupportPlugin Plugin that add indicator applet support to gajim
- BannerTweaksPlugin Ability to configure the banner in chat windows
- BirthdayReminderPlugin Birthday reminder
- ChatstatePlugin Chat State Notifications in roster.
- ClickableNicknamesPlugin Click the left mouse button on a nickname in a groupchat conversation to insert the nickname in the input field.
- ClientsIconsPlugin Shows the clients icons in the roster and in groupchats.
- EmoticonPackPlugin A pack of emoticon themes
- FileSharing Allows you to share folders with your peers using jingle file transfer.
- FlashingKeyboardPlugin Make keyboard flash when we get a new message.
- GnomeSessionManagerPlugin set and react on GNOME SessionManager presence settings.
- GoogleTranslationPlugin Automatically translate incoming messages.
- HamsterIntegration Integration with project hamster.
- HttpUploadPlugin Share files with offline users, multi client users and even in MUCs with XEP-0363
- ImagePlugin This plugin is designed to send a small(0 - 40 kb) graphic image to your contact.
- JuickPlugin More comfortable use of (microblogging service).
- LatexPlugin Render latex expressions.
- LengthNotifierPlugin Be notified when message length reaches a limit.
- MessageBoxSizePlugin Allows you to adjust the height of the new message input field.
- MprisSupportPlugin MPRIS2 support.
- NowListenPlugin Copy tune info to conversation input box.
- OffTheRecordPlugin Provides protocol independent encryption (see for more information).
- OfflineBookmarksPlugin Save bookmarks offline inside the plugin configuration file.
- PluginInstallerPlugin install new plugins in one click.
- PluginsTranslationsPlugin This plugin contains translations files for Gajim plugins.
- QuickRepliesPlugin Plugin for quick replies.
- RegexFilterPlugin Regex filtering of incoming messages.
- RosterTweaksPlugin Allows user to tweak roster window appearance.
- ServerStatusIconsPlugin Replace standard Gajim status icons with server specific for known XMPP server accounts.
- SetLocationPlugin Allows you to manually specify your geographical location.
- SnarlNotifications Shows events notification using Snarl under Microsoft Windows.
- SyntaxHighlightPlugin Highlights Code in the Chat Window for many languages.
- TictactoePlugin Play Tic tac toe with your contacts.
- TriggersPlugin Configure Gajim's behaviour when receiving some events.
- ThemeSwitcherPlugin Change the active GTK+ theme.
- UbuntuIntegrationPlugin The plugin integrates Gajim with the Ubuntu Messaging Menu and the Me Menu.
- UrlImagePreviewPlugin Url image preview in chatbox.
- UrlShortenerPlugin Allows users to shorten a long URL.
- WhiteboardPlugin Ability to share a whiteboard with a contact
- WicdSupportPlugin Support for autodetection of network status for Wicd Network Manager.
- WrongLayoutPlugin Press alt+r to convert chars typed in wrong layout( Rus<>Eng).
- OmemoGajimPlugin Experimental plugin for the OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption.