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F: completion
F: completion
The completion default feature.
F: history
F: history
The history default feature.
F: shebang-block
F: shebang-block
The bridge `{#!}` syntax.
L: design
L: design
Designs, ideas and questions with tangible goals
L1: bug
L1: bug
Requires a fix
L1: enhancement
L1: enhancement
New feature or request
L2: duplicate
L2: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
L2: good first issue
L2: good first issue
Good for newcomers
L2: wontfix
L2: wontfix
This will not be worked on
M: invocation
M: invocation
Module: Startup and various invocations
M: main
M: main
The Main Program
M: oursh
M: oursh
Module: The oursh top level crate
M: process
M: process
Module: Process exec/fork and IO
M: program
M: program
Module: Oursh language(s) with lexers, parsers and evaluation runtimes.
M: repl
M: repl
Module: Our own Read Eval Print Loop, like `readline`
T: expansion
T: expansion
Topic: '$' and other expansion
T: grammar
T: grammar
Topic: Formal or informal grammar, realtes to lexing / parsing
T: io
T: io
Topic: Input and output related issues
T: lexer
T: lexer
Topic: Text to token parser step
T: semantics
T: semantics
Topic: Program evaluation issues or features