ExPass is an Elixir library for generating and manipulating Apple Wallet passes.
The package can be installed by adding ex_pass
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_pass, "~> 0.1.0"}
Object | Field | Issue No. | Status |
Pass.PassFieldContent |
Pass.PassFieldContent.attributedValue |
#145 | ✅ |
Pass.PassFieldContent.changeMessage |
#146 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.currencyCode |
#147 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.dataDetectorTypes |
#148 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.dateStyle |
#149 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.ignoresTimeZone |
#150 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.isRelative |
#151 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.key |
#152 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.label |
#159 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.numberStyle |
#154 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.textAlignment |
#155 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.timeStyle |
#156 | ✅ | |
Pass.PassFieldContent.value |
#157 | ✅ | |
Pass.Barcodes |
Pass.barcodes.altText |
#56 | ✅ |
Pass.barcodes.format |
#57 | ✅ | |
Pass.barcodes.message |
#58 | ✅ | |
Pass.barcodes.messageEncoding |
#59 | ✅ | |
Pass.Beacons |
Pass.beacons.major |
#60 | ✅ |
Pass.beacons.minor |
#61 | ✅ | |
Pass.beacons.proximityUUID |
#62 | ✅ | |
Pass.beacons.relevantText |
#63 | ✅ | |
Pass.Locations |
Pass.locations.altitude |
#89 | ✅ |
Pass.locations.latitude |
#90 | ✅ | |
Pass.locations.longitude |
#91 | ✅ | |
Pass.locations.relevantText |
#92 | ✅ | |
Pass.NFC |
Pass.nfc.encryptionPublicKey |
#93 | todo |
Pass.nfc.message |
#94 | todo |
Pass.nfc.requiresAuthentication |
#95 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.AuxiliaryFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
todo |
Pass.PassFields.AuxiliaryFields.row |
#64 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.SecondaryFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#69 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.PrimaryFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#68 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.HeaderFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#67 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.BackFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#66 | todo |
Pass.PassFields |
Pass.PassFields.auxiliaryFields |
#139 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.backFields |
#140 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.headerFields |
#141 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.primaryFields |
#142 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.secondaryFields |
#143 | todo |
Pass.BoardingPass |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#75 | todo |
Pass.boardingPass.transitType |
#144 | todo |
Pass.Coupon |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#77 | todo |
Pass.coupon.couponCode |
#78 | todo |
Pass.coupon.discountAmount |
#79 | todo |
Pass.coupon.expirationDate |
#80 | todo |
Pass.EventTicket |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#81 | todo |
Pass.eventTicket.preferred_style_schemes |
#84 | todo |
Pass.Generic |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#88 | todo |
Pass.StoreCard |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#96 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.CurrencyAmount |
Pass.semanticTags.currencyAmount.amount |
#115 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.currencyAmount.currencyCode |
#98 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.Location |
Pass.semanticTags.location.latitude |
#99 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.location.longitude |
#100 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.PersonNameComponents |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.familyName |
#101 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.givenName |
#102 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.middleName |
#103 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.namePrefix |
#104 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.nameSuffix |
#105 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.nickname |
#106 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.phoneticRepresentation |
#107 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.Seat |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatDescription |
#109 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatIdentifier |
#110 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatNumber |
#111 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatRow |
#112 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatSection |
#113 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatType |
#114 | ✅ | |
Pass.Locations |
Pass.locations.altitude |
todo |
Pass.locations.latitude |
todo |
Pass.locations.longitude |
#90 | todo |
Pass.locations.relevantText |
#92 | todo |
Pass.NFC |
Pass.nfc.encryptionPublicKey |
#93 | todo |
Pass.nfc.message |
#94 | todo |
Pass.nfc.requiresAuthentication |
#95 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.AuxiliaryFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
todo |
Pass.PassFields.AuxiliaryFields.row |
todo |
Pass.PassFields.SecondaryFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#143 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.SecondaryFields.row |
#143 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.HeaderFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#141 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.BackFields |
Inherits From Pass.PassFieldContent |
#140 | todo |
Pass.PassFields |
Pass.PassFields.auxiliaryFields |
#139 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.backFields |
#140 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.headerFields |
#141 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.primaryFields |
#142 | todo |
Pass.PassFields.secondaryFields |
#143 | todo |
Pass.BoardingPass |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
#144 | todo |
Pass.boardingPass.transitType |
#144 | todo |
Pass.Coupon |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
todo |
Pass.EventTicket |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
todo |
Pass.Generic |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
todo |
Pass.StoreCard |
Inherits From Pass.PassFields |
todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.CurrencyAmount |
Pass.semanticTags.currencyAmount.amount |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.currencyAmount.currencyCode |
#98 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.Location |
Pass.semanticTags.location.latitude |
#99 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.location.longitude |
#100 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.PersonNameComponents |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.familyName |
#101 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.givenName |
#102 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.middleName |
#103 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.namePrefix |
#104 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.nameSuffix |
#105 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.nickname |
#106 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.personNameComponents.phoneticRepresentation |
#107 | todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.Seat |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatDescription |
#109 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatIdentifier |
#110 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatNumber |
#111 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatRow |
#112 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatSection |
#113 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seat.seatType |
todo |
Pass.SemanticTags.WifiNetwork |
Pass.semanticTags.wifiNetwork.password |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.wifiNetwork.ssid |
todo |
Pass.SemanticTags |
Pass.semanticTags.airlineCode |
#21 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.artistIDs |
#22 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.awayTeamAbbreviation |
#24 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.awayTeamLocation |
#25 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.awayTeamName |
#26 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.balance |
#27 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.boardingGroup |
#28 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.boardingSequenceNumber |
#29 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.carNumber |
#30 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.confirmationNumber |
#31 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.currentArrivalDate |
#32 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.currentBoardingDate |
#33 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.currentDepartureDate |
#34 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureAirportCode |
#36 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureAirportName |
#37 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureGate |
#38 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureLocation |
#39 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureLocationDescription |
#40 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departurePlatform |
#41 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureStationName |
#42 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.departureTerminal |
#43 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationAirportCode |
#44 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationAirportName |
#45 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationGate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationLocation |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationLocationDescription |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationPlatform |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationStationName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.destinationTerminal |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.duration |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.eventEndDate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.eventName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.eventStartDate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.eventType |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.flightCode |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.flightNumber |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.genre |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.homeTeamAbbreviation |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.homeTeamLocation |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.homeTeamName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.leagueAbbreviation |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.leagueName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.membershipProgramName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.membershipProgramNumber |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.originalArrivalDate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.originalBoardingDate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.originalDepartureDate |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.passengerName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.performerNames |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.priorityStatus |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.seats |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.securityScreening |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.silenceRequested |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.sportName |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.totalPrice |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.transitProvider |
todo |
Pass.semanticTags.transitStatus |
#46 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.transitStatusReason |
#47 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.vehicleName |
#48 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.vehicleNumber |
#49 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.vehicleType |
#50 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.venueEntrance |
#51 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.venueLocation |
#52 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.venueName |
#53 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.venuePhoneNumber |
#54 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.venueRoom |
#55 | todo |
Pass.semanticTags.wifiAccess |
#64 | todo |
Handle pk pass signing | todo |
Handle pkpass asset | todo |
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Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
Clone your fork: Use
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Create a branch: Create a new branch for your work.
git checkout -b your-branch-name
Code Style: Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards.
Commit Messages: We use conventional commits. Write clear and concise commit messages following the format:
type(scope): subject
feat(parser): add ability to parse new format fix(api): handle null response
Testing: Ensure ample testing on your changes to avoid breaking existing functionality.
# Run tests
Versioning: We use semantic versioning. Make sure to update the version number appropriately if your changes introduce new features, bug fixes, or breaking changes.
Push your branch: Push your changes to your forked repository.
git push origin your-branch-name
Open a Pull Request: Go to the original repository and open a pull request. Provide a clear description of your changes and any related issues.
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The pull request template includes sections for:
- Title: Provide a succinct and descriptive title for the pull request.
- Type of Change: Indicate the type of change (e.g., new feature, bug fix, documentation update).
- Description: Provide a detailed explanation of the changes you have made, including the reasons behind these changes and any relevant context.
- Testing: Detail the testing you have performed to ensure that these changes function as intended.
- Impact: Discuss the impact of your changes on the project, including effects on performance, new dependencies, or changes in behavior.
- Additional Information: Include any additional information that reviewers should be aware of.
- Checklist: Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding and style guidelines, and that you have performed a self-review, commented your code, and made corresponding changes to the documentation.
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- Address Feedback: Be responsive to feedback from reviewers and make necessary changes.
- Merge: Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged by a project maintainer.
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