Fouriernets uses tooling from Autograd to implement parametric models over periodic generating densities. I intend to show examples using multilayer perceptrons, autoencoders, and variational autoencoders (currently a tutorial for generating a simple mlp is available).
The modules under src
must be visible to your Python3 interpreter to be imported. You can do this by updating your shell's PYTHONPATH
variable to include this directory. To do this, place the following line into your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc
for bash users or .zshrc
zsh users) or in a .envrc
under the top-level project directory for direnv users.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/fouriernets/src
To install the dependencies using either conda or the Python package installer pip, execute one of the following in your shell once you've navigated to the top-level project directory:
$ conda env create --name=periwinkle --file environment.yml
$ python3 -m pip --requirement=requirements.txt
Fouriernets requires an installation of Python3.7 or higher, as well as NumPy (installation instructions). Fouriernets was tested against NumPy 1.23.0.
Modeling natural data (images, speech, language) is often a task of identifying label-dependent invariances that allow us to discriminate between the different classes even on unseen inputs. These invariants reflect the latent structure in the data. Data over circular and spherical manifolds arise as a special case of rotational structure. Discriminating between different distributions over circles and spheres then, is an interesting task of density estimation in which one hopes to capture and represent the inherent rotational symmetry in the data.
The package provides a number of utilities to generate distributions over circles, and create a variety of neural networks to discriminatively model the distributions.
The package provides a number of utilities to simulate from and visualize distributions over circles: the distributional parameters can be provided as keyword arguments when using custom datasets.
from utils import make_data, plot_sample, train_test_split
# --- simulation parameters
num_samples: int = 128
num_bins: int = 64
num_examples_per_class: int = 1_000
# --- simulate
train_inputs, test_inputs, train_labels, test_labels = make_data(n_per_class=num_examples_per_class, n_bins=num_bins, n_draws=num_samples, split=True)
FourierNets also provides simple plotting and visualization utilities
plot_sample(train_inputs, train_labels)
you can then instantiate basic neural network models implemented using Autograd. These functions and others are provided
it's then as easy as defining an objective function (and computing its gradient with respect to the parameters), and then "training" the network using gradient-based optimization.
def objective(params: tuple, iteration: int) -> float:
index: int = batch_indices(iteration)
return -mlp_log_posterior(params, train_inputs[index], train_labels[index], L2_reg)
gradient: callable = grad(objective)
optimized_params = adam(gradient, init_params, step_size=step_size, num_iters=num_epochs * num_batches)
additional diagnostic tools, models, and tutorials are forthcoming.
[1] Using Neural Networks to Classify Discrete Circular Probability Distributions