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Event handlers

Joko edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 18 revisions

LAMBS Danger FSM - event handlers

Event handlers are a framework where code is triggered when some event occurs. The vanilla game comes with a large number and LAMBS Danger FSM extends this further. All Lambs Danger Events are local to the unit.

CBA Event handlers

Event handlers are added via the CBA Eventhandler Interface.

BIS Scripted Event handlers

If you want Targeted Events for only the Unit or Group that is effected you can add that via BIS SciptedEventHandlers Requires: 2.4.0 or later

LAMBS specific event handlers

Name Arguments Description
lambs_main_OnCheckBody _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _body <Object> Called when a Units Checks a Body
lambs_danger_OnArtilleryCalled _unitThatCalledArtillery <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _ArtilleryGun <Object>, _TargetPosition <Array<Number>> Called when a Squad Leader Calls Artillery Support
lambs_danger_OnAssess _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _enemys <Array<Object>> Called when a Leader assess the current Situation
lambs_danger_OnContact _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _target <Object> Called when a Leader gets into Contact
lambs_main_OnPanic _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group> Called when a Unit falls into the Panic State
lambs_main_OnInformationShared _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _target <Object>, _groups <Array<Groups>> Called when a Unit Shares Informations
lambs_main_OnFleeing _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group> Called when a Unit falls into a Fleeing State
lambs_danger_OnReinforce _unit <Object>, _groupOfUnit <Group>, _target <Object> or <Array<Number>> Called when a Unit is starting reinforcement maneuver

Example of use

CBA Event handlers

["lambs_danger_OnPanic", {
    params ["_unit", "_group"];
    _unit playAction "Surrender";
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

BIS Scripted Event handlers

Requires: 2.4.0 or later

[bob, "lambs_danger_OnPanic", {
    params ["_unit", "_group"];
    _unit playAction "Surrender";
}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

Pre-2.0 variables

If you came to the mod before CBA implementation, you may be familiar with the group variable "lambs_code". This is now defunct and deprecated having been replaced by the event handlers demonstrated above.