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complexpack is a complex arithmetic package written in VHDL.


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Title complexpack (VHDL complex arithmetic package).
Author Nikolaos Kavvadias 2009-2020
Contact [email protected]
Release Date 09 December 2020
Version 0.2.4
Rev. history  


Self-checking test.



Add complex reciprocal.



Add complex mac.



Add arg (argument).



Add polar form, to_polar, to_cartesian, exp, log, pow, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan.



Use sim/rtl_sim/bin dir, ignores for git, clean script



Update date information.



Added project logo to README.rst.



Changed README to README.rst.



Added support for the "abs" and the negation ("-") operators as those are needed by the complexarrpack package project.



Added get_real, get_imaginary, magnitude, and operators: lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne. New library dependency: IEEE.math_real.



Changed documentation format to RestructuredText. Code has been reorganized into new directory structure.



First public release.

1. Introduction

complexpack is a simple complex arithmetic package written in VHDL. It is based ona code example present in the RASSP series of VHDL lectures. Compared to the RASSP version, the following have beed added:

  • conjugate function.
  • magnitude function.
  • comparison operators.
  • get real and get imaginary part functions.

A complex number is defined by the pair (real-part, imaginary-part) where both items of the pair are numbers. A common algebraic representation for complex numbers is:

z = a + i*b,


  • z is the resulting complex number
  • a is the real part of the number also written as a = Re(z)
  • b is the imaginary part of the number also written as b = Im(z)
  • i is the imaginary unit and has the value of sqrt(-1).

Currently, the complexpack package implements the following:

  • the constants re and im, which specify addresses for an array-based representation of a complex number
  • type definition for a complex number
  • interface and implementation for complex arithmetic functionality

1.1. Implemented functions and operators

This is a summary of the currently supported functions, procedures and operators by the complexpack package.

  • to_complex(real, real): form a complex number
  • +: add two complex numbers
  • -: subtract one complex number from another
  • -: negate a complex number
  • *: multiply two complex numbers
  • /: divide two complex numbers
  • mac: multiply-and accumulate (a * b + c)
  • reciprocal: the reciprocal of a complex number
  • conjugate(complex): return the conjugate of the given complex number
  • exp(complex): return the complex exponent
  • log(complex): return the complex logarithm
  • pow(complex, complex): return the complex power
  • sqrt(complex): return the complex square root
  • sin(complex): return the complex sine
  • cos(complex): return the complex cosine
  • tan(complex): return the complex tangent
  • arcsin(complex): return the complex arcsine
  • arccos(complex): return the complex arccosine
  • arctan(complex): return the complex arctangent
  • to_cartesian(polar): convert from polar form to Cartesian

All functions above return an item of the complex data type.

  • get_real(complex): get the real part of a complex number
  • get_imaginary(complex): get the imaginary part of a complex number
  • magnitude(complex): return the magnitude (distance from point 0,0) of the complex number
  • arg(complex): return the argument (phase) of the complex number
  • abs(complex): alias for magnitude

All functions above return an item of the real data type (a scalar quantity).

  • <: less than comparison for two complex numbers
  • >: greater than comparison for two complex numbers
  • <=: less than or equal comparison for two complex numbers
  • >=: greater than or equal comparison for two complex numbers
  • =: equality comparison for two complex numbers
  • /=: non-equality comparison for two complex numbers

All functions above return an item of the boolean data type (TRUE or FALSE).

  • to_polar(complex): convert the complex (Cartesian) to polar coordinates

The function above returns a complex number in polar form.

The definition of magnitude requires a square root computation. For this task, a call to the sqrt function found in the IEEE.math_real library is used.

complexpack is distributed along with a simple VHDL testbench exercising basic functionalities.

2. File listing

The complexpack distribution includes the following files:

/complexpack Top-level directory
ChangeLog A log for code changes.
LICENSE The modified BSD license governs complexpack since version 0.2.0.
README.rst This file.
README.html HTML version of README.rst.
README.pdf PDF version of README.rst.
VERSION Current version of the project sources.
complexpack.png PNG image for the complexpack project logo. Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions.
/bench/vhdl Benchmarks VHDL directory
complexpack_tb.vhd A simple testbench.
/doc Documentation directory
/rtl/vhdl RTL source code directory for the package
complexpack.vhd The complex arithmetic package.
/sim/rtl_sim RTL simulation files directory
/sim/rtl_sim/bin RTL simulation makefiles directory GNU Makefile for running GHDL simulations.
/sim/rtl_sim/out RTL simulation output files directory
complexpack_results- .txt Output generated by the complexpack_tb.vhd test.
/sim/rtl_sim/run RTL simulation run scripts directory A bash script for cleaning simulation artifacts. A bash script for running the GNU Makefile for GHDL.

3. complexpack usage

The complexpack package test script can be used as follows:

$ ./

as run from within the ./sim/rtl_sim/run subdirectory. The run script expects that the GHDL simulator is installed and its bin directory is in the $PATH.

After this process, the complexpack_results.txt file is generated containing simulation results.

A reference complexpack_results.txt is kept under ./sim/rtl_sim/out for comparison.

To clean up afterwards, use:

$ ./

4. Prerequisites

  • Standard UNIX-based tools (tested on cygwin/x86 and MinGW/x86 and MinGW/x64)

    • make
    • bash
  • GHDL simulator (

    Provides the "ghdl" executable and corresponding simulation environment. Versions 0.26 to 0.37 have been used for testing.


complexpack is a complex arithmetic package written in VHDL.







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