This package parses an express project, generating a list of all routes, converted to the syntax used in a express route.
Can Parse:
- Nested Routers and Complex Express Projects
- Optional parameters e.g.
- Complex Matching routes e.g.
- Regex routes e.g.
- Array of paths e.g.
app.get(['/abc', '/xyz']) -> /abc,xyz/
Outputs list of relevant data with the option to attach arbitrary meta-data to a route:
// Example output for a single route
path: '/dashboard/:entity/:resourceId',
pathParams: [
{ name: 'entity', in: 'path', required: true },
{ name: 'resourceId', in: 'path', required: true },
method: 'get',
// metadata can be anything the designer chooses
metadata: {
operationId: 'getResourceByEntity',
hidden: true,
schema: {/* some schema */}
npm i express-route-parser
import { parseExpressApp } from 'express-route-parser';
import express, { RequestHandler, Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
const app = express();
const router = express.Router();
const subrouter = express.Router();
// **Optional middleware construct**
// Wrapper function to allow us to attach meta-data to a route in a re-usable way
const middleware = (metadata: any): RequestHandler => {
const m: any = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
next(); // This can be anything - validation, something else. You can hook into your existing middlewares if you want
m.metadata = metadata;
return m;
// place holder express response handler
const successResponse: RequestHandler = (req: Request, res: Response) => {
middleware({ operationId: 'getUserById', notes: 'These are some notes' }),
// The middleware MUST be placed on a final route layer (app.get,, app.patch, router.route, ect...)
operationId: 'getResourceByEntity',
hidden: true,
schema: {
/* some schema data */
// This parser can handle nested, complex router projects
router.use('/:entity', subrouter);
app.use('/dashboard', router);
// You must parse your express app after you have added any and all routes in your app
const parsed = parseExpressApp(app);
parsedApp =
path: '/resources/users/:id',
pathParams: [{ name: 'id', in: 'path', required: true }],
method: 'get',
metadata: { operationId: 'getUserById', notes: 'These are some notes' },
path: '/dashboard/:entity/:resourceId',
pathParams: [
{ name: 'entity', in: 'path', required: true },
{ name: 'resourceId', in: 'path', required: true },
method: 'get',
metadata: { operationId: 'getResourceByEntity', hidden: true, schema: {} },