A flat and nested pages lists plugin for Pico CMS.
The plugin adds {{ nested_pages }}
in addition to {{ pages }}
, the filters exclude
and only
that filters page arrays and the filter navigation
which render flat or nested HTML navigations with links and utility css classes.
Copy PicoPagesList.php
to the plugins
directory of your Pico Project.
Create a nested HTML navigation tree with :
{{ nested_pages | navigation }}
The nested navigation will look like that :
The global nested_pages
and the filter navigation
render an HTML navigation. Works on {{ pages }}
{{ pages | navigation }} // output a flat pages list
The plugin create two additionnal Twig filters, exclude()
and only()
, that filters the given pages array (pages
or nested_pages
) by paths.
pages | exclude('path/') // exclude the page located under "path/"
pages | only('path/') // return only the page located at "path/"
Use the leading slath to target index pages or not.
pages | exclude('sub/dir/') // exclude the page located under "sub/dir/", but not "sub/dir" (index)
pages | exclude('sub/dir') // exclude "sub/dir" (index) and pages located under "sub/dir/"
You can specify multiple paths at once by using multiple arguments.
exclude('sub/dir', 'page')
only('sub/dir', 'page')
The default html output is a clean nested list with extra classes that provides the possibility to build hierarchical navigations and to target specific pages and directories.
<li class="titled is-page">
<a href="http://mysite.com/titled">A cool page</a>
<li class="foo is-page has-childs is-current">
<a href="http://mysite.com/foo">Sub-page is coming</a>
<li class="child is-page has-childs is-current is-active">
<a href="http://mysite.com/foo/child">The choosen one</a>
<li class="category is-directory has-childs">
<li class="bar is-page">
<a href="http://mysite.com/foo/category/bar">A page</a>
<li class="untitled is-page">
<a href="http://mysite.com/untitled">untitled</a>
.foo-item { /* an item named "foo-item" */ }
.foo-item > a { /* the link of a page named "foo-item" */ }
.foo-item > span { /* the name of a directory named "foo-item" */ }
.foo-item > ul { /* the childs of "foo-item" */ }
.foo-item > ul ul { /* the deep childs of "foo-item" */ }
.is-page { /* the pages, with links */ }
.is-directory { /* the directories, with simple names */ }
.is-current { /* the current page */ }
.is-active { /* the items in the path of the current page */ }
.has-childs { /* the items with childs */ }
As a simple example, you may show sub-pages only if their parent is active :
.mymenu li.is-page:not(.is-active) ul {
display: none;
The {{ nested_pages }}
global is an array of pages, similar to {{ pages }}
, where sub-pages are nested into _childs
You may want a recursive Twig template or macro to walk trough it, for example :
{% macro menu(items) %}
{% for name,item in items %}
{% if item.url %}
<a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.title }}</a> : {{ item.description }}
{% else %}
<span>{{ name }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if item._childs %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{{ macros.menu(item._childs) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{{ macros.menu(nested_pages) }}
The lists are sorted according to the default settings in Pico config.php
pages_order_by: date
pages_order: desc