Releases: nlsfi/hakunapi
Releases · nlsfi/hakunapi
What's Changed
- 1.4.0 by @nls-jajuko in #106
- prepare next develop version 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT by @nls-jajuko in #107
- Support for PostgreSQL uuid arrays to main by @nls-jajuko in #111
- gt 31.3 by @nls-jajuko in #114
- Support for OGC API Features Part 3 and CQL2 1.0.0 by @jampukka in #115
- add missing value to set while parsing parameters by @nls-jajuko in #118
- Allow pg source to perform the coordinate transformation/projection by @jampukka in #117
- Allow offset in datetime param by @jampukka in #116
- output format bug fixes for html and jsonfg with some support for features without geometry by @nls-jajuko in #119
- output format fixes for schema by @nls-jajuko in #122
- Update dependencies by @jampukka in #125
- source-gpkg v0.1 by @jampukka in #74
Full Changelog: 1.4.2...1.5.0
What's Changed
- Support for PostgreSQL uuid arrays #108 by @nls-jajuko in #109
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.4.1
What's Changed
- 1.3.0 by @nls-jajuko in #95
- Next dev version 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT by @nls-jajuko in #96
- Update build-and-test.yml with jdk21 by @nls-jajuko in #97
- Support multiple floating point formatter configurations for JSONFG geometry and place output - with side effects by @nls-jajuko in #89
- Source oracle 1.4.0 (includes dependency updates from #101) by @nls-jajuko in #102
- refactor javax to webapp-javax and introduce webapp-jakarta modules to support both javax/tomcat9 and jakarta/tomcat10+ by @nls-jajuko in #103
- Use DToA.dtoa() to format ID when data type is double by @nls-jajuko in #105
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0
What's Changed
- 1.3.0 by @nls-jajuko in #95
- Next dev version 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT by @nls-jajuko in #96
- Update build-and-test.yml with jdk21 by @nls-jajuko in #97
- Support multiple floating point formatter configurations for JSONFG geometry and place output - with side effects by @nls-jajuko in #89
- Source oracle 1.4.0 (includes dependency updates from #101) by @nls-jajuko in #102
- refactor javax to webapp-javax and introduce webapp-jakarta modules to support both javax/tomcat9 and jakarta/tomcat10+ by @nls-jajuko in #103
- Use DToA.dtoa() to format ID when data type is double by @nls-jajuko in #105
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0-rc1
Full Changelog: 1.3.0-rc2...1.3.0
What's Changed
- force json based outputformats when none specified by @nls-jajuko in #87
- Telemetry with two implementations: basic usage logging and observability by @nls-jajuko in #92
- Update - remove faulty doc return annotation by @nls-jajuko in #93
- Update LimitParam description by @nls-jajuko in #94
Full Changelog: 1.3.0-rc1...1.3.0-rc2
1.3.0-rc1 with initial jsonfg output format support
What's Changed
- Next dev version 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT by @jampukka in #77
- Global f query param blocks f param from items by @jampukka in #81
- GeoToolsProjectionTransformerFactory: Handle equal crs that differ only in axis order by @jampukka in #80
- GeoPackage output format: fix example and geometry bug by @jampukka in #83
- minDecimalsDouble and maxDecimalsDouble values mixed up by @nls-jajuko in #84
- Initial implementation for JSONFG output format by @nls-jajuko in #73
Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.3.0-rc1