We proposed PROSPER, a new multi-ancestry PRS method with penalized regression followed by ensemble learning. This software is a command line tool based on R programming language. Large-scale benchmarking study shows that PROSPER could be the leading method to reduce the disparity of PRS performance across ancestry groups.
Sept 9, 2024: Added a repository titled 'create_your_own_LD' that contains code for generating a user-specific LD reference panel.
Sept 8, 2024: Fix some bugs. Changes include: tuning_testing.R line 119 and line 211. PROSPER.R line 296.
Jan 14, 2024: Upload AFR, EAS, and SAS LD reference constructed by UKB.
Sept 18, 2023: Update citation biorxiv version.
Sept 11, 2023: Upload EUR LD reference constructed by UKB.
Apr 5, 2023: Update example codes.
Nov 24, 2022: Repository made public.
Download or clone this GitHub repository by
git clone https://github.com/Jingning-Zhang/PROSPER.git
. -
We'll refer to the corresponding directory as
throughout the following steps. The directory will be used to store PROSPER package and its LD refernce panels. After you clone using the command above, there should be a folder namedscripts
inside the directory of${package}
. -
Note that the files required for downloaded below are all stored on Google Drive. You can download them either by clicking on the provided link or by running the following command
gdown <file_id>
, using the file_id provided below.gdown
is much faster for downloading to high performance clusters. To usegdown
, please check here. You will need to add it to PATH for use. -
Download the
and saved in${package}
from ref_bim.txt; Google Drive <file_id>:1PtD4qk7EBPxdhkGrKrG8OktKxaSDF9AT
. -
Download the LD reference panels and decompress files in
:Note that if you only want to try the toy example below, you will only need the first two: EUR and AFR reference.
EUR reference (~8.6G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf EUR.tar.gz
AFR reference (~11.3G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf AFR.tar.gz
AMR reference (~9.6G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf AMR.tar.gz
EAS reference (~6.2G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf EAS.tar.gz
SAS reference (~7.8G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf SAS.tar.gz
The above LD reference panels were constructed using the 1000 Genomes Project phase 3 samples for variants in either Hapmap3 or MEGA. To create your own LD reference panels, please contact Jingning Zhang ([email protected]) for codes.
New update: We constructed the EUR reference using ~337K unrelated UKB white samples.
New update: We constructed the AFR (~3K), EAS (~0.6K), SAS (~1.8K) reference using unrelated UKB samples from the corresponding genetic ancestry.
EUR reference constructed using UKB (~12.5G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf EUR_ukb.tar.gz
AFR reference constructed using UKB (~12.4G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf AFR_ukb.tar.gz
EAS reference constructed using UKB (~7.3G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf EAS_ukb.tar.gz
SAS reference constructed using UKB (~10.1G); Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf SAS_ukb.tar.gz
Download plink 2.0 from here.
Launch R and install required libraries:
install.packages(c('optparse','bigreadr','readr','stringr', 'caret', 'SuperLearner', 'glmnet', 'MASS', 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'inline', 'doMC', 'foreach'))
- Example codes for all steps above:
## download PROSPER package
git clone https://github.com/Jingning-Zhang/PROSPER.git
## go to the directory
## download reference SNPs
gdown 1PtD4qk7EBPxdhkGrKrG8OktKxaSDF9AT
## download EUR reference LD
gdown 1ger1-jsoD73vCez5vN6h4QD5TMdU_WS6
tar -zxvf EUR.tar.gz
## download AFR reference LD
gdown 1aGwAGdIeVmTaTskSuUdEPE6Z9-evSlUG
tar -zxvf AFR.tar.gz
## You will still need to install plink2 and the required R packages
- If you only want to try the toy example, you can skip the next sections and directly go down to the last section <Toy Example>.
There are two scripts PROSPER.R
and tuning_testing.R
. The first one is used to get solutions from all tuning parameters setting, and then the second one is used to perform tuning/testing and get the final ensembled PRS. The parameters are explained in this section. At the end of this README file, there is a toy example, including example codes and results.
PROSPER.R --PATH_package --PATH_out --FILE_sst --pop --lassosum_param --chrom --Ll --Lc --verbose --NCORES
tuning_testing.R --PATH_out --PATH_plink --prefix --SL_library --linear_score --bfile_tuning --pheno_tuning --covar_tuning --testing --bfile_testing --pheno_testing --covar_testing --verbose --cleanup --NCORES
PATH_package (required): Full path to the directory mentioned above that contains: 1. a folder scripts downloaded from github 2. LD reference panels downloaded from Google Drive.
PATH_plink (required): Full path to plink2 executable. Please do not use plink1.9.
PATH_out (required): Full path to the directory for output results
FILE_sst (required): Full path and the file name of the GWAS summary statistics from multiple populations, separated by comma. An example of the format
rsid chr a1 a0 beta beta_se n_eff
rs3131972 1 G A 0.00235 0.01269 15000
rs3131969 1 G A -0.01228 0.01206 15000
rs1048488 1 T C 0.00989 0.01162 15000
Required columns in the files:
- rsid: SNP ID in the format of rsXXXX.
- chr: chromosome number in the format of 1,2,...,22.
- beta: SNP effect. Note that for binary traits, beta is the coefficient in logistic regression, i.e. log(OR).
- beta_se: Standard error of beta.
- a1: effective allele (counted allele in regression).
- a0: alternative allele (non-A1 allele).
- n_eff: Sample size per variant. Note that for binary traits, it is
effective sample sizes = 4 / (1 / N_control + 1 / N_case)
; and for continuous traits, it is simply the sample size.
Note that the summary statistics files are suggested to be cleaned as follows before using:
- Keep variants in reference panels to avoid troubles caused by reading huge files. The rsid of variants in reference panels can be found in
. - Alleles are suggested to match to reference panels to avoid flipping strands. The alleles of variants in reference panels can be found in
. - For each population, remove variants whose allele frequencies are less than 1%. If your summary statistics does not contain information of population-specific allele frequencies, we recommanded to use that in 1000G, which can be found in
. - Remove variants with small sample size (90% of median sample size per variant).
pop (required): Population of the GWAS sample (AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR and SAS), in the same order of the GWAS summary statistics files, separated by comma.
lassosum_param (required): Full path and the file name of the optimal tuning parameters in lassosum2, separated by comma. The file must have the following format
delta0 lambda0
49.8 0.002
The optimal parameters can be obtained by running the official lassosum2, or used a Simplified version of lassosum2 written in command line using the same data structure as PROSPER. If you have not run the official lassosum2, we suggests using the Simplified version instead. It is faster, requires less computation resource, and has a direct output for input parameter lassosum_param
of PROSPER. Ideally, individual-level tuning data is needed for all populations; however, in the case where the data is only available for a target population, the tuning parameters can be optimized and tuned towards the target population.
chrom (optional): The chromosome on which the model is fitted, separated by comma or dash for consecutive chromosomes. Default is 1-22.
Ll (optional): Length of tuning parameter path for the tuning parameter
. Default is 5. -
Lc (optional): Length of tuning parameter path for the tuning parameter
. Default is 5. -
prefix (required): Output filename prefix. Suggested value is name of target population.
bfile_tuning (required): Full path to PLINK binary input file prefix (minus bed/bim/fam) for tuning. We suggest using at least 1000 samples for tuning.
pheno_tuning (optional): Full path to phenotype file for tuning (PLINK format). This is optional, taken from
otherwise. -
covar_tuning (optional): Full path to quantitative covariates for tuning (PLINK format).
testing (optional): Whether to perform testing in a seperate dataset. If TRUE, tuning datasets should be provided (bfile_testing, pheno_testing, covar_testing). Default is FALSE.
bfile_testing (optional): Should be provided if
. Full path to PLINK binary input file prefix (minus bed/bim/fam) for testing. -
pheno_testing (optional): Should be provided if
. Full path to phenotype file for testing (PLINK format). This is optional, taken frombfile_tuning
otherwise. -
covar_testing (optional): Should be provided if
. Full path to quantitative covariates for testing (PLINK format). -
SL_library (optional): Models input to SL.library in SuperLearner function, separated by comma. Default is "SL.glmnet,SL.ridge,SL.lm".
linear_score (optional): Whether to output PRS text file in the format of
rsid, a1, a0, weight
. Default is TRUE; otherwise, only superlearner model will be saved. Note some models available for SL.library are non-linear models, such as SL.nnet. In this case, PRS text file cannot be output. -
verbose (optional): How much chatter to print: 0=nothing; 1=minimal; 2=all. Default is 1.
NCORES (optional): Number of cores used for parallel computation. Default is 1. Parallel is used on chromosomes in the script PROSPER.R, and used on plink for PRS calculation in the script tuning_testing.R. So the suggested value is 22 for script PROSPER.R, and as many cores as possible for tuning_testing.R.
cleanup (optional): Cleanup all temporary files saved in a
folder, including PRS scores of tuning and testing samples, and all solutions from PROSPER separated by chromosomes. Default is TRUE.
The script PROSPER.R
creates a directory $PATH_out/before_ensemble/
, and writes two files score_file.txt
and score_param.txt
inside it.
contains all solutions from PROSPERscore_param.txt
contains their ancestry origin and corresponding tuning parameter settings
The script tuning_testing.R
creates a directory $PATH_out/after_ensemble_$prefix/
, and writes three files PROSPER_prs_file.txt
, R2.txt
, and superlearner_function.RData
inside it.
is the final ensembled PRS solution from PROSPERR2.txt
is its R2 on tuning and testing samples (iftesting=TRUE
contains two variablessl
(super learner model) andscore_drop
(scores in the$PATH_out/before_ensemble/score_file.txt
that needs to be dropped before input intosl
). If a non-linear model is specified inlinear_score
, onlysuperlearner_function.RData
can be saved.
- Please download example data; Google Drive <file_id>:
and decompress by using codes:
gdown 1IdgiBveqTXuyuQMfWp7ys8ZAmOeB52wa
tar -zxvf example.tar.gz
Run the codes as instructed below (directories are needed to be changed based on your local directory), and you will get the example output same as here; Google Drive <file_id>:
; decompress bytar -zxvf PROSPER_example_results.tar.gz
Example codes for running lassosum2 and PROSPER:
mkdir ${path_result}
Rscript ${package}/scripts/lassosum2.R \
--PATH_package ${package} \
--PATH_out ${path_result}/lassosum2 \
--PATH_plink ${path_plink} \
--FILE_sst ${path_example}/summdata/EUR.txt,${path_example}/summdata/AFR.txt \
--pop EUR,AFR \
--chrom 1-22 \
--bfile_tuning ${path_example}/sample_data/EUR/tuning_geno,${path_example}/sample_data/AFR/tuning_geno \
--pheno_tuning ${path_example}/sample_data/EUR/pheno.fam,${path_example}/sample_data/AFR/pheno.fam \
--bfile_testing ${path_example}/sample_data/EUR/testing_geno,${path_example}/sample_data/AFR/testing_geno \
--pheno_testing ${path_example}/sample_data/EUR/pheno.fam,${path_example}/sample_data/AFR/pheno.fam \
--testing TRUE \
Rscript ${package}/scripts/PROSPER.R \
--PATH_package ${package} \
--PATH_out ${path_result}/PROSPER \
--FILE_sst ${path_example}/summdata/EUR.txt,${path_example}/summdata/AFR.txt \
--pop EUR,AFR \
--lassosum_param ${path_result}/lassosum2/EUR/optimal_param.txt,${path_result}/lassosum2/AFR/optimal_param.txt \
--chrom 1-22 \
Rscript ${package}/scripts/tuning_testing.R \
--PATH_plink ${path_plink} \
--PATH_out ${path_result}/PROSPER \
--prefix ${target_pop} \
--testing TRUE \
--bfile_tuning ${path_example}/sample_data/${target_pop}/tuning_geno \
--pheno_tuning ${path_example}/sample_data/${target_pop}/pheno.fam \
--bfile_testing ${path_example}/sample_data/${target_pop}/testing_geno \
--pheno_testing ${path_example}/sample_data/${target_pop}/pheno.fam \
--cleanup F \
The testing R2 of PROSPER is in ${path_result}/PROSPER/after_ensemble_${target_pop}/R2.txt
; The linear PRS model of PROSPER is in ${path_result}/PROSPER/after_ensemble_${target_pop}/PROSPER_prs_file.txt
To compare with lassosum2 (the single-ancestry PRS method using penalized regression), you could find the testing R2 of lassosum in ${path_result}/lassosum2/${target_pop}/R2.txt
In this toy example, phenotype data is simulated in a previous paper from Zhang et al.. The sample size is 15K and 100K for AFR and EUR, respectively; and the total simulated common-SNP heritability is assumed to be 0.32 and 0.19 for AFR and EUR, respectively. The resulting testing R2 for AFR is 0.8% using the single-ancestry lassosum2 model, and 1.8% using the multi-ancestry PROSPER model.
For your reference, as shown in this example, for a two-ancestry analysis (EUR,AFR) on all autosomal chromosomes (1-22) using 5 cores, it takes ~20 minutes and ~25Gb (~5Gb each core) to run PROSPER. Using the same high performance cluster, for a five-ancestry analysis (EUR,AFR,AMR,EAS,SAS) on all autosomal chromosomes (1-22) using 5 cores, it takes ~43 minutes and ~35Gb (~7Gb each core).
Please direct any problems or questions to Jingning Zhang ([email protected]). Please note that this is NOT the official PROSPER github - instead, this is just a fork of the official version with some simple edits of the README/documentation.
Zhang, Jingning, et al. "An ensemble penalized regression method for multi-ancestry polygenic risk prediction." Nature Communications 15.1 (2024): 3238.
I would like to acknowledge Corinna Thoben, Dr. Jacob Williams, Dr. Haoyu Zhang, Ritwiz Kamal, Dr. Manikandan Narayanan for their valuable assistance in identifying bugs and helping to correct the code.