The notebooks generate figures used in the paper "On the choice of calibration metrics for “high flow” estimation using hydrologic models" submitted to HESS. Data does not exist here.
ffa.ipynb: Analysis on error in the performance metrics for each calibration case - VIC and mHM with 5 calibration metrics (Figure 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
ffa_flow_residual-analysis.ipynb: Analysis on residuals of the calibrated modeled flows (Figure 7)
ffa_flow_metrics_ensemble.ipynb: Analysis on error in the performance metrics from ensemble of residual re-introduced flows (stochastic error generation method is based on Farmer and Vogel 2016)
ffa_flow_uncertainty_FV2016.ipynb: Test stochastic error generation method used in Farmer and Vogel 2016
ffa_flow_uncertainty_MB04.ipynb: Test stochastic error generation method used in Montanari and Brath 2004